”V” means equivalent voltage generator.
Z-SG / Z-SG-L module can be configured in digital input mode or (in alternative) in digital output
mode only by Dip-Switch.
In the Z-SG model the digital input can be used for:
-Acquire a tare value
-Alternative for the calibration button
in the Z-SG-L model the digital input can be used for acquire a general purpose input.
Digital output allows to open/close a opto-isolated contact
In Z-SG/Z-SG-L model the digital output can be controlled by the firmware with this
-gross weight is greater than load cell end scale
-weight is stable and net weight is greater than Threshold
-weight is stable
In the Z-SG-L model the digital output can also be controlled from modbus register.
Dip-switches table
In the following tables:
box without circle means Dip-Switch=0 (OFF state);
box with circle means Dip-Switch=1 (ON state).