Quick Start Guide
AG 4800XS
Form 8188
Version 1.0 - Oct 2018
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About This Quick Start Guide
This guide is for helping new customers get their Sencore AtlasGear AG 4800XS
™ chassis setup and running as quickly and easily as possible.
The guide covers both the AG 4800XS and AG 4800X versions of the chassis.
The AG 4800XS includes a single power supply. A second, redundant power
supply can be ordered separately. If the second power supply is ordered with the
chassis from the factory, the second power supply will be installed in and shipped
together with the chassis.
Setup and configuration information for the Sencore AtlasGear modules that go
in the AG 4800XS chassis are covered in their own respective manuals and
quickstart guides.
Read the Safety Chapter of the User’s Manual
The current version of the full User’s Manual can be obtained from the Download
tab of individual product pages on our website:
Sencore ProCare support at
Read the safe
ty chapter of the User’s Manual to avoid potential hazards.
More details about AG 4800XS installation can be found in the full
Unpack the Equipment
Check that there are no obvious damages to equipment due to transport. If
equipment appears to be damaged, please contact Sencore ProCare for support.
In addition to the AG 4800XS (or AG 4800X) hardware itself, the shipment should
include a power cable (or two if the second power supply is ordered).
Equipment Installation and Power Up
Equipment designed for rack installation should be securely connected to the
rack using rack screws suitable for the rack type. Note that there should be
sufficient room for air to freely flow around the unit, ensuring proper cooling. Also
note the direction of air flow for the chassis type prior to installation (refer to the
User’s Manual).
When the equipment is installed, it can be powered by connecting it to a power
outlet using the power cable(s). AG 4800XS power supplies require AC mains
and can operate in the range 100
Establish an IP Address
In order to control the AG 4800XS, an IP address must be established for the
internal frame controller card. From the factory, the unit is shipped with DHCP
enabled. If the chassis is connected to a network using DHCP, the AG 4800XS
will automatically receive an IP address when plugged into the network. The
assigned IP address will be displayed on the LCD panel on the front of the unit
and this address can be used for all future control.
If a static IP address if required for the network where the AG 4800XS is
installed, it is necessary to change some switches on the controller card in the
chassis (the far-right card when looking at the front of the chassis).
1. With the chassis powered off, set the dip switches to on/off based on
the table below