Divert if busy: when set to on, need to enter the divert number for diverting
busy calls.
Divert all data calls: when set to on, need to enter the divert number for
diverting all data calls.
Cancel all: touch to cancel all calls diverts.
Note: The above four kinds of divert operations:
- active: Enter the divert number to open.
- deactive:Cancel the divert function.
- Query: Query a divert status by sending request to network .
Phone contact with the network, after a moment to respond and inform the
query results.
Call Barring: This feature allows you to barring calls. Set this function, you
need to enter call barring password provided by the operator. If the
password is incorrect, an error message will appear. After the desired option
is selected, continue to select turn On or Off this function, call barring
password will be request, and then the phone will request Internet
connection, after a short pause, the network will respond and inform the
result of the operation.
Outgoing calls: set the type of barring outgoing calls.
Incoming call: set the type of barring incoming calls.
Note: The above two kinds of barring operations:
- active: Enter the barring number to open.
- deactive:Cancel this function.
- Query: Query a barring status by sending request to network.
Phone contact with the network, after a short pause, the network will respond
and inform the query results.
Group List: select to set up group.
Blacklist: select to set to reject unknown calls, reject an incoming call of
blacklist numbers.