Revision 1.0 STD – February 2010
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© Semtech 2011
Figure 31: Test Mode Window
7.3 Verification Mode
When no SX1233SKA is connected to the PC, launching the application results in the GUI display being
grayed out and the user is unable to enter data.
By depressing the <CTRL>+<ALT>+<N> keys of the PC keyboard simultaneously, the user can write to
the configuration registers to verify propose settings, as well as load and save configuration files (*.cfg).
7.4 RSSI Analyzer
The RSSI Analyzer can be enabled via the Menu Tool Bar. With the SX1233 configured in Receiver
operating mode the RSSI analyzer displays the real-time sampled RSSI measured in the receiver channel
bandwidth. The vertical axis (indicated RSSI level) can be scaled with the click-wheel of a scrolling mouse
This data can be saved as a RSSI log file by selecting an appropriate Max sample length within the RSSI
Analyzer window and clicking on the Start button. When the status bar indicates full, the log file can be
saved by clicking on the Browse button and can be viewed in Notepad or opened in Excel as a .CSV file.
An example of the RSSI Analyzer display is illustrated in Figure 32, indicating a packet transmission
typically 10 dB above the receiver noise floor.