Revision 1.0 STD – February 2010
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© Semtech 2011
5.5.1 Sync Word
For correct packet mode operation, the sync word needs to be set to at least one byte. Note that 0x00
can not be set as for the first byte of the sync word. The GUI will prompt with an error message should the
user attempt to set 0x00 in the first byte of the sync word.
5.5.2 AutoMode Operation
Auto Modes defines the enter conditions to start the packet handler and exit conditions to terminate
packet handler operation, as defined in the SX1233 datasheet.
5.5.3 Packet Log
Clicking on the Log button within the Control Window enables the payload logging function, available in
both TX and RX modes whenever the Packet Handler is enabled.
Status Bar
Figure 26: Packet Logger Window
In the Packet Logger window enter the number of packets to be logged and press the Start button. Then
press the Start button in the Control Window of the main Packet Handler Tab to start packet transmission
or reception. When the status bar indicates full, the log can be saved by clicking on the Browse button.
The log file can be viewed in Notepad or opened in Excel as a .CSV file
Figure 27: Packet Log CSV File Format