About the Blue Jay
The Semroc Blue Jay was designed by Jay Berry and Randy
Boadway. Randy has built delta wing gliders for years and
flown them in competition too. Randy had a number of
complaints about the typical design that was available on
the market so he put Jay Berry to work creating a delta
wing model without the disadvantages of similar models.
Jay is a member of NAR section 703, Wright Stuff Rocket-
eers in the Dayton, Ohio area. He designed this glider to be
nearly fool proof. It is almost impossible to put a part in the
wrong place. The keel is extra heavy duty and the hook
system designed by Eric Specht forces the glider off at apo-
gee. After naming the rocket after Jay we had to add a
Bluejay head to the kit. We promise this rocket will never
raid the nests of other songbirds and steal their eggs. We
hope you enjoy building and flying it!
Copyright © 2017 Semroc
January 2017
Made in the U.S.A by Semroc - Dayton, Ohio
Blue Jay
Glider Wingspan 13.5”
Tube Diameter 0.73”
Length 13.75”
Motor Approx. Altitude
B6-2 175’
C6-3 400’
Skill Level 2
About Semroc
Astronautics Corporation
Semroc Astronautics Corporation was started by Carl
McLawhorn in his college dorm at North Carolina State Uni-
versity in November, 1967. Convincing a small group of
investors in his home town of Ayden, North Carolina to
invest in a small corporation, the company was re-
incorporated as Semroc Astronautics Corporation on De-
cember 31, 1969.
Semroc produced a full line of model rocket kits and mo-
tors. At its peak, Semroc had twenty-five full time employ-
ees working at two facilities. One was for research and de-
velopment, printing, shipping, and administration. The oth-
er was outside town and handled all production and model
rocket motor manufacturing. For several years, Semroc
successfully sold model rocket kits, supplies, and motors by
mail-order and in hobby shops. In early 1971, Semroc be-
came insolvent and had to close its doors.
After 31 years of dreams and preparations, Semroc Astro-
nautics Corporation was reincorporated on April 2, 2002
with a strong commitment to helping put the fun back into
model rocketry. Many years of excellent service to the rock-
etry community passed by until sadly, on August 11 2013,
Carl passed away and left a great void in the hearts of many
rocketeers. He is forever in our hearts and minds.
In February of 2015, Semroc was sold to a group of inves-
tors and Randy Boadway of eRockets and moved to Dayton,
Ohio where it resides today. It is our goal to continue the
level of service and dedication to the hobby that Carl and
his family were so well known for. We strive to serve you,
our customers, to the best of our abilities as we carry the
vision of Carl McLawhorn boldly into the future.
Designed by:
Jay Berry
Delta Wing
Boost Glider
Precision Turned
Balsa Nosecone
Sturdy Fuselage
Laser Cut Balsa
Unique Motor
Pod Hook
Glider and