6-3. Average Function
Up to nine memorized measurements can be averaged and the result displayed.
This function can be used in all modes except Illuminance/Luminance measuring and
Multiple (cumulative) Flash modes.
1. Press the Measuring button
on the side of meter to take a measurement.
2. Press Memory button
to memorize the measured value.
The memorized value will also appear on the analog scale.
3. Repeat steps 1. and 2. to remeasure and memorize up to nine values.
4. Touch the Average icon
at the bottom of the screen to calculate and display
the result on the Digital display as well as Analog Scale.
“AVE” will appear on the screen and Average icon
in reverse to indicate the
Measuring screen is displaying an Averaged Value.
5. Touch the Average icon
again to return the Measuring screen value to the
value last measured.
Measuring value
1/10 step
value (f stop)
Measuring Screen
(after memory)
Memorized measurements (f-stop)
Measuring Screen
Averaged values