5-2. Measuring in Flash Light Mode
Flash illumination is light that is produced by the very brief light pulse of an electronic flash
unit or flash bulb. Flash measurement is available in the following modes:
Cord (PC) Flash Mode (PC/synchro cord connected)
Cordless Flash Mode
Cord Multiple (Cumulative) Flash Mode
Cordless Multiple (Cumulative) Flash Mode
Radio Flash Mode (for L-478DR Series only)
Radio Multi (Cumulative) Flash Mode (for L-478DR Series only)
Also see 4-3 Setting Measuring Mode (P25) for details on changing Measuring mode.
1. Screen Display Details
When flash light is measured, f-stop (Ambient
brig Flash brightness = total
exposure) is displayed on screen. The ratio of
flash light to the total exposure is displayed
at that time as a percentage in 10% steps.
Analog scale displays the relationship of both
the ambient component (orange line) and
flash component (blue).
2. About the Analog Scale Details
Touch the Analog scale to toggle the ambient/flash component ratio display ON or
3. Flash Analyzing Function
When measuring Flash light, the shutter speed
and f-stop (aperture) value, which is combining
ambient light and flash light: total amount of
light, are displayed on the LCD screen.
Ambient light and flash light are each
displayed as separate values along with the
total amount of light on the analog scale.
In addition, the ratio of flash light to the total
amount of light is displayed as a percentage (in
10 % steps) at the same time. The ratio of flash
to the total amount of light is useful when a
desired flash to ambient lighting ratio is needed.
As in the screen on the right, if shutter speed is 1/125s and ISO sensitivity is 400,
the flash component and tungsten lamp light will be 50% each. Likewise, the
respective measuring results in the Analog Scale for flash light (blue) and Ambient
Light (orange) will denote this.
of flash
Measuring screen
[Cord (PC) Flash Mode]
Measuring value (f-stop)
of Flash
Ambient component
Flash component
Measuring screen
(Cordless Flash
Mode Screen)