5-1-5. Measuring Exposure for Video and Movies
1) CINE Mode
This is a measuring exposure for cine cameras
1. Touch the Measuring mode icon to open the
Measuring Mode Selection Screen, then
touch the
icon to select CINE
Measuring Mode and return the screen view
to Measuring screen. (See P25 for details.)
2. Set frame rate on f/s icon.
3. Touch the ISO icon to expand it, and set ISO
sensitivity value. The ISO icon will return to
its reduced size after a setting is made and
the icon is not touched for a short time
4. Touch the ANG icon to expand it, and set
shutter angle value. The ANG icon will return
to its reduced size after a setting is made and
the icon is not touched for a short time
5. Add any filter compensation value to adjust
the reading to the light source or lens
filtration in use. (see P47 for details.)
6. Press the Measuring button
on the side of
Release the Measuring button
complete the measurement. The measured
f-stop (aperture) value at that time will be
While pressing the Measuring button
, the
meter measures continuously until it is
F-stop (aperture) values can be displayed in full, 1/2 and 1/3 stop increments in Custom Setting. (See P51 for details.)
ISO850 can be selected at ISO sensitivity selection between ISO800 to ISO1000.
There are 20 preset of frame rates that can be set at “Edit Frame Rate” in the MENU list. (See P54 for details.)
There are 20 preset of shutter angles that can be set at “Edit Shutter Angle” in the MENU list. (See P55 for details.)
After taking a measurement, changing frame rate value will also change the measured value (f-stop).
After taking a measurement, changing ISO value will also change the measured value (f-stop).
After taking a measurement, changing shutter angle will also change the measured value (f-stop).
Touching the Average/ΔEV button (
) at the bottom of the screen activates the Contrast Function. (See P46 for
The Analog Scale display will change according to Measuring Mode, Incident/Reflected and Mid-Tone mode selected
as well as “Set Analog Scale” in Menu list. (See P19 and P49 for details.)
See P38 for details about reading outside the display range or beyond the measuring range.
Measuring value
Measuring Screen (CINE Mode)
Measuring value