Return of BOC Edwards Equipment - Procedure
Form HS1
Before returning your equipment, you must warn BOC Edwards if substances you used (and produced)
in the equipment can be hazardous. This information is fundamental to the safety of our Service Centre
employees and will determine the procedures employed to service your equipment.
Complete the Declaration (HS2) and send it to BOC Edwards before you dispatch the
It is important to note that this declaration is for BOC Edwards internal use only, and
has no relationship to local, national or international transportation safety or environmental
requirements. As the person offering the equipment for shipment, it is your responsibility to ensure
compliance with applicable laws.
• Equipment is '
' if it has not been used, or if it has only been used with substances
that are not hazardous. Your equipment is '
' if it has been used with any substances
classified as hazardous under EU Directive 67/548/EEC (as amended) or OSHA Occupational Safety
(29 CFR 1910).
• If your equipment has been used with radioactive substances, biological or infectious agents,
mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s), dioxins or sodium azide, you must decontaminate it
before you return it to BOC Edwards. You must send independent proof of decontamination (for
example a certificate of analysis) to BOC Edwards with the Declaration (HS2). Phone BOC
Edwards for advice.
• If your equipment is contaminated, you must either:
Remove all traces of contamination (to the satisfaction of laws governing the transportation of
dangerous/hazardous substances).
Or, properly classify the hazard, mark, manifest and ship the equipment in accordance with
applicable laws governing the shipment of hazardous materials.
Note: Some contaminated equipment may not be suitable for airfreight.
1. Contact BOC Edwards and obtain a Return Authorisation Number for your equipment.
2. Complete the Return of BOC Edwards Equipment - Declaration (HS2).
3. If the equipment is contaminated, you must contact your transporter to ensure that you properly
classify the hazard, mark, manifest and ship the equipment, in accordance with applicable laws
governing the shipment of contaminated/hazardous materials. As the person offering the equipment
for shipment, it is your responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable law.
Note: Equipment
contaminated with some hazardous materials, such as semiconductor by-products,
may not be suitable for airfreight - contact your transporter for advice.
4. Remove all traces of hazardous gases: pass an inert gas through the equipment and any accessories
that will be returned to BOC Edwards. Where possible, drain all fluids and lubricants from the
equipment and its accessories.
5. Seal up all of the equipment's inlets and outlets (including those where accessories were attached)
with blanking flanges or, for uncontaminated product, with heavy gauge tape.
6. Seal equipment in a thick polythene/polyethylene bag or sheet.
7. If the equipment is large, strap the equipment and its accessories to a wooden pallet. If the
equipment is too small to be strapped to a pallet, pack it in a suitable strong box.
8. Fax or post a copy of the Declaration (HS2) to BOC Edwards. The Declaration must arrive before
the equipment.
9. Give a copy of the Declaration (HS2) to the transporter. You must tell your transporter if the
equipment is contaminated.
10. Seal the original Declaration in a suitable envelope: attach the envelope securely to the outside of
the equipment package, in a clear weatherproof bag.
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