When you select a string, barcode, or custom command in [Command List] by
double clicking it or using the spacebar, the selected string or data is entered in the
corresponding edit box.
Not available when [Command List] is blank.
If you add or delete a command in [Command List] or load a saved test print file
(*.stp) when "Receipt", "Pattern", or "Barcode" is selected, [Preset] becomes
Even when "Enabled" is selected, this command is not displayed in [Command List].
These settings are applied to the print data or the content saved to the test print file
according to the selection in [Printer Initialize] when you click the [Do Test Print] or
[Save...] button
Not available when the [Character Data] is blank.
When the standard mode is selected (normal operation), the printing is performed if
a line buffer is filled with character data (one line full printing) or if the printing
condition is satisfied, for example, with a printing linefeed command. Unless the
above condition is satisfied, data sent to the printer is not printed.
Not available when the [Barcode Data] is blank.
Entered barcode data should meet the requirements of each barcode.
Data that does not comply with the printer specifications might not be printed
properly. Be sure to enter proper data. For the printer specifications, refer to the
technical reference. The input method differs from the one for barcode font.
*10: Fixed with the current selection when you select "Sample Image B" for the image
*11: If you specify a user specified image file when "Sample Image A" or "Sample Image
B" is selected for the image selection, the image selection is automatically changed
to "User Specified Image".
*12: Not available when the [Custom Command Data] is blank.
*13: Enter an even number. If you enter an odd number, it is internally rounded to a value
within the range. OFF time should be equal to or greater than four times of the ON
time to protect circuits.
5.5.2 Performing Test Print
This section describes the procedures to perform the test print.
To Use Preset for Printing
Here is the procedure to use a preset for the test print.
1. Select a pre-determined test print setting (preset) from the drop-down list.
2. Click the [Do Test Print] button.
To Specify Commands for Printing (Printing Characters)
1. Click the
[New] button.
2. Select whether or not to initialize the printer in [Printer Initialize].
3. Select the print position in [Position], and click the [Position] button.
4. Enter characters to print in [Character Data].
5. Select [Character Font] and [Print Mode], and click the [Line Feed] button.
6. Add commands such as [Barcode] or [Custom Cmd.] to [Command List], if necessary.
7. If you want to delete a command row (command name and setting values), select the
target command row in [Command List] and click the
[Delete] button.
8. Click the [Do Test Print] button.