General Information
myUTN User Manual Windows
Auto Configuration (IPv6 Standard)
The UTN server can have an IPv4 address and several IPv6 addresses
at the same time. The IPv6 standard is used to automatically assign
IP addresses in IPv6 networks. When connected to an IPv6 network,
the UTN server will automatically obtain an additional 'link-local' IP
address from the IPv6 address range.
The UTN server uses the 'link-local' IP address to search for a router.
The UTN server sends so-called 'router solicitations' (RS) to the spe-
cial multicast address FF02::2. The available router will then return a
'Router Advertisement' (RA) containing the required information.
With a prefix from the range of the global unicast addresses, the
UTN server can compose its own address. It simply replaces the first
64 bits (prefix FE80::) with the prefix that was sent in the RA.
The 'IPv6' parameter has been activated.
The 'Automatic configuration' parameter has been activated.
To configure the assignment of IPv6 addresses, see:
The InterCon-NetTool is a software tool developed by SEH Comput-
ertechnik GmbH for the administration ofSEH network devices. The
IP Wizard of the InterCon-NetTool helps you to configure the TCP/IP
parameters, e.g. the IP address. You can manually enter the desired
IPv4 address and save it in the UTN server using the IP Wizard. To
configure an IPv4 address via the InterCon-NetTool, see:
SEH UTN Manager
You can manually enter the desired IPv4 address and save it in the
UTN server using the SEH UTN Manager. To configure an IPv4 address
via the SEH UTN Manager, see:
myUTN Control Center
You can manually enter the desired IP address and save it in the UTN
server using the myUTN Control Center.