Quicktester Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instructions
Issue: 3 03/08/04
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General Description
The unit has been designed to enable the user to check the set pressure of any elastomer seal safety relief valve and incorporates the
following features: -
" BSP parallel male thread Conex supply port (Inlet Port 1 on Picture A)
" BSP parallel female safety relief valve test port (Port 2)
" BSP parallel pressure gauge port (Port 3)
Restricted inlet control valve (Control Valve 1)
Outlet control valve (Control Valve 2)
1. Competent
The unit must only be operated by a competent person familiar with the hazards associated with pressurised systems and testing of
safety relief valves. It must only be operated in accordance with these instructions.
2. Setup
Follow entire set up procedure (2.1 to 2.4) prior to testing a safety relief valve or applying inlet pressure to Quicktester.
2.1 Seals
All joints made by the user must provide an airtight seal when subjected to the regulated inlet pressure. A leaking joint will result
in an inaccurate dial gauge reading.
The maintenance section of these instructions provides details for checking the integrity of the internal pipe work.
Air/Inert Gas Supply
For best performance, the supply air/inert gas must be regulated, commercially clean and free of moisture.
The regulated supply pressure must be in excess of the expected set pressure of the safety relief valve (Set pr10% is
recommended), and importantly not greater than the full scale deflection of the dial gauge being used.
The maximum operating pressure of the unit is clearly marked on the panel and should never be exceeded unless otherwise
indicated by these instructions (refer to section 5 and 6).
Standard Connection -
" BSP Parallel Male - Conex
2.3 Dial
Note the set pressure of the safety relief valve to be tested; this should be permanently marked on or attached to the valve with a tag.
Optimum accuracy will be obtained if the dial gauge being used is Test Gauge standard and has the required set pressure of the
safety relief valve within the mid third of its range.
The dial gauge should be calibrated using a system that is traceable to a national standard.
Standard Connection -
" BSP Parallel Female rotatable pressure gauge connector.
Safety Relief Valve Adaptor
A range of stainless steel valve adaptors is included to suit a variety of safety relief valve inlet thread connection type and size. It
is imperative that the correct adaptor is used. Once the correct adaptor has been selected, mount it to the relief valve test port, then
fit the safety relief valve.
Connection - Adaptor to mounting block -
" BSP Parallel Female.
Connection - Adaptor to safety relief valve - to suit safety relief valve inlet connection.
Sequence of Operation - See Picture A
Ensure inlet control valve 1 is fully closed (clockwise)
Ensure outlet control valve 2 is fully closed (clockwise)
Apply inlet pressure to unit.
Slowly open inlet control valve 1 by turning anti-clockwise to pressurise the system.
When the indicated gauge pressure is equal to the safety relief valve set pressure, the pressure in the system will stabilise and the
dial gauge reading will continually indicate the set pressure.
Close inlet control valve 1 by turning clockwise. The pressure will reduce to the pressure at which the safety relief valve under test
re-seals. This re-seal pressure is indicated on the pressure gauge.
If required the safety relief valves ability to re-seal at lower pressures can be established by gradually opening and then closing
outlet control valve 2.
Vent pressure by fully opening outlet control valve 2 (anti-clockwise).
When dial gauge reading is zero, remove safety relief valve.
Repeat set up procedure for next safety relief valve.