ASD 531, Technical description, T 140 416 en
31 / 105
List of materials / components
The ASD 531
ships with
the following equipment (see also Sec. 5.1, 5.3, 9.5.1 and 12):
AMB 31
Smoke sensor
Commissioning protocol
ASD 531
SSD 31
-- (accessories)
The mounting set comprises:
3 x company plates, 1 x M20 blind plug, 4 x S6 dowels, 4 x Torx wood screws (Ø 4.5 x 40 mm), 4 x M4 U-washers (Ø 4.3/12 x 1 mm)
The following
accessory material
is available:
XLM 35
RIM 36
ASD 531
1 x possible
1 x possible
material for the sampling pipe
can be purchased separately from the manufacturer in the required quantities, based on
the size and use of the system. This material is listed separately in document
T 131 194
(see also Sec. 5.3, 9.5.1 and 12).
The material for the sampling pipe is a component of the VdS device approval. Only the materials listed and ap-
proved by the manufacturer may be used when setting up the system, see T 131 194. Materials from other
sources may be used only if the manufacturer’s written consent has been obtained.
A special
is required for mounting and handling the ASD 531 (Torx screws). Please refer to the list in Sec. 5.1.
The detector housing is delivered in a customised cardboard sleeve sealed with adhesive tape. The packaging is recyclable
and can be reused.
The mounting set and installation material sundries are packed in recyclable bags. The sampling tube is supplied in sections
(approx. 4–5 m). The flexible tube is supplied in 50 m rolls.
The contents of the packaging are specified as described in Sec. 1.4.
Electronic components such as printed circuit boards are supplied in antistatic protective packaging. These
components should be removed from the packaging just shortly before use or mounting.
Only devices with unbroken or unopened seals (adhesive tape seal) are considered new. Packaging should
not be opened until immediately before use.
The cardboard packaging of the detector housing is can be stacked up to ten times its weight.
The packages of the ASD 531 are suitable for post or rail shipment only to a limited extent.
For transport in or to tropical regions, marine transport, etc., the appropriate measures must be taken (special
packaging as provided by the shipper).