ASD 531, Technical description, T 140 416 en
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The electrical design of the ASD 531 includes the following (may vary depending on the device version):
AMB 31 Main Board
Smoke sensor (SSD 31)
Air flow sensor
Additional modules XLM 35, RIM 36.
The following circuit components and elements are on the AMB 31 Main Board:
Power supply unit with switching controller
Fan control with airflow evaluation and temperature measurement
Smoke sensor evaluation
Opto-isolator input for external reset
Driver components for actuating the relays and open collector outputs
Microcontroller with ports, RAM, Flash PROM, EEPROM, etc.
Lithium battery
RTC clock
3 rotary switches, 2 DIP switches and 3 LED displays for configuration setting
10 LEDs for airflow display
4 LEDs for displaying operation, alarm, fault, dust and dirt
2 relays with potential-free change-over contacts for fault, alarm
Terminal blocks with pluggable screw terminals for the device connection
LED for hardware watchdog
SD memory card holder
2 LEDs for SD memory card signals
1 x 16-pin ribbon cable connector (
) for connecting to the XLM 35
1 x 8-pin ribbon cable connector (
) for connecting to the RIM 36
One 6-pin ribbon cable connector for connecting to the smoke sensor
One 4-pin plug for connecting to the air flow sensor
HW reset button.