ASD 531, Technical description, T 140 416 en
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Smoke sensors used
Only those smoke sensors in the device approval and in the list below may be used in the ASD 531 aspirating
smoke detector. The use of third-party detectors voids the ASD 531 approval issued by the manufacturer.
The ASD 531 is fitted with the
SSD 31 smoke sensor
by the manufacturer. It has an alarm sensitivity range of 0.02%/m to
The response sensitivity of the smoke sensor can be adjusted within the range specified above. The value is defined via the
AMB 31. This applies to applications with as well as without calculations using “ASD PipeFlow” (Sec. 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 respec-
Hardware / firmware
The hardware is considered to comprise the complete detector housing and all the units belonging to the ASD 531 aspirating
smoke detector such as sampling pipe and mounting material.
The firmware is located on the
Flash PROM
in the ASD 531. An EEPROM is fitted for storing and saving system-specific pa-
The ASD 531 is to be operated only with the appropriate original firmware from the manufacturer.
Any unauthorised intervention in the firmware or the use of non-original firmware may result in malfunction and/or
in damage to the device. Furthermore, all guarantee and warranty rights with respect to the manufacturer of the
ASD 531 will become null and void as a result.
© Copyright by Securiton
All ASD 531 firmware is subject to the manufacturer’s copyright. Any unauthorised intervention in the firmware, misuse,
copying or unauthorised trade with the firmware represents a breach of copyright and will be subject to legal proceedings.
A version change or extension of the ASD 531 firmware does not imply a right to an upgrade or new release for
existing ASD 531 systems.