Installation Overview
Performance Manager and the Management Server
. The
Performance Manager connects to the Management Server to monitor
operations, download Policies, and view logs. Traffic between the
Performance Manager and the Management Server is generally low;
however, certain monitoring activities, such as viewing the
Call Monitor
during high activity, can generate significant
traffic. Downloading Policies and configuration to multiple
Cards/Spans simultaneously can generate bursts of high traffic, but
these activities are typically infrequent.
The ETM Database Maintenance Tool and the ETM
. The ETM Database Maintenance Tool connects to the
ETM Database to populate and maintain the database. Network traffic
is generally low but depends on the amount of data in the database
during maintenance and upon the procedure being performed.
Importing and exporting data instances can generate high traffic if a
large amount of data is present; other tasks create little traffic.
The ETM System generates a low-to-moderate level of IP data network
traffic that could contain sensitive information. The ETM System includes
3DES encryption that secures data transmitted among ETM System
components. For additional security and/or if IP data network traffic is a
concern at your location, consider the following approach when deploying
an ETM System:
Put ETM Appliances in a subnet separate from your main data network.
Placing Appliances in a subnet allows the traffic to be isolated, and
enables varying levels of network security to be implemented,
depending on your organization's needs. For example, switched routers
or hubs can be used to implement basic security measures, while using
a dual-homed (2 NIC Cards) machine for the Management Server or
isolating the subnet behind an IP firewall implements stronger network
Place the ETM Server, Database, and Database Maintenance Tool
within that subnet if possible. Management Server/Card/Database
communication contributes to overall network traffic, and may contain
sensitive data, such as when SMDR is in use or when DTMF digits are
captured throughout call duration.
Securing ETM
System IP Data
Network Traffic