SEAS Catalina 30 Operating Guidelines
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Move transmission gear shift lever to neutral, throttle lever to idle (both in vertical
Turn ignition switch to right to turn on glow plugs for 10-20 seconds
Push Start button to start the engine
When engine starts release Start button and ignition switch
Check to see if the engine is spitting water out of the exhaust. Keep checking
while under way.
Shift into gear and set throttle
Furling sails:
Furl jib until sheets wrap twice around the sail and secure furling line to cleat
behind winch. Snug the jib sheets on the winches.
Turn the boat into the wind, decrease throttle to the minimum possible to
maintain directional control
If you loosened the boom topping lift, now is the time to tighten it. Release the
mainsheet and boom vang, lift the boom so the aft end is higher than the fore
end, tighten the topping lift, tighten the mainsheet, tighten the boom vang.
Lower main sail, flaking it alternately port and starboard while standing in front of
the mast and pulling the luff half-way between luff cars. Move main halyard to
handhold on starboard side. Be careful about threading it through the lazy jacks.
Check wind and current and plan for entry into Cheesequake creek, or Keyport
Harbor and Matawan Creek.
Assign bow person to stand by with anchor in emergency.
a. Entering Cheesequake Creek: Tune into Channel 13 and listen for Bridge
attendant instructions. Call Bridge attendant to request passage to
ensure the bridge will be opened and that they know you intend to pass
through. (Don’t make them guess.)
b. Entering Keyport/Matawan: be sure to pass Keyport #12 to starboard
before turning toward #14, then toward private marker off Harbor View
Marina, then toward middle of Matawan Creek. Between Keyport #14 and
the private marker be careful not to drift more than ½ a boat length to
either side of the middle of the harbor.
On entry and departure keep a watchful eye on the depth gauge especially in the
creek and the area outside of the creek and past the Cheesequake lights 1 and 2
at the end of the jetties.
Check fuel level before returning to slip. If the fuel level is below 1/2 full, go to
the Marina Fueling dock and add fuel before docking. Tank capacity is 21
gallons. USE DIESEL FUEL ONLY. Fueling from jugs at the slip is prohibited.
Refer to refueling details.
Assign return responsibilities to Crew. On return ensure there is someone at the
ready on the anchor should an emergency arise. This is especially important in
Cheesequake Creek and Matawan Creek where the current can draw the boat
into a low bridge. Decide on a technique that will be used to dock the Catalina