Sealey YK30XF Instructions Download Page 1

 2.  introduction

  1. SAFEtY 




Familiarise yourself with this products application and limitations, as well as the specific potential hazards peculiar to the press.


Maintain the


press in good condition (use an authorised service agent).


Replace or repair damaged parts. 

Use recommended parts only. Non authorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the 




Keep the press clean for best and safest performance.


Locate the press in a suitable working area for its function, keep area clean, tidy, free from unrelated materials and ensure there is 


adequate lighting.


Ensure the workpiece is correctly secured before operating the press.



Always wear approved eye or face protection when operating the press. 


Remove ill fitting clothing. Remove ties, watches, rings, loose jewellery and contain long hair.


Keep hands and body clear of the work table when operating the press.


Maintain correct balance and footing. Ensure the floor is not slippery and wear non-slip steel toe-capped shoes/boots.


Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the working area.


do not

 operate the press if any parts are missing as this may cause failure and/or possible personal injury.


do not

 use to compress springs or any other item that could disengage and cause a potential hazard.


do not

 stand directly in front of the loaded press and never leave a loaded press unattended.


do not

 use the press for any purpose other than that for which it is designed.


do not

 make any modifications to the press.


do not

 adjust or tamper with the safety valve.


do not

 exceed the rated capacity of the press.


do not

 apply off-centre loads.


do not

 allow the workpiece or the press plates to fall from the work table.


do not

 get the press wet or use in damp or wet locations or areas where there is condensation.


do not

 operate the press when you are tired or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicating medication.


When not in use, release pressure from the hydraulic unit and clean the press. Stand or store the anvil "V" blocks in a safe location.


WArninG! Always position the press against a wall. if the press is situated in the open workshop, it is essential that a guard be              


placed at the rear of the unit. this will prevent injury to bystanders in the event of the workpiece ejecting suddenly.  


WArninG! the warnings, cautions and instructions in this manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that    


may occur. it must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this   


product, but must be applied by the operator.


dAnGEr! When assembling, lifting or moving the press, it is recommended that it is by two people.


30tonnE HYdrAuLic PrESS FLoor 





Self assembly Heavy Duty floor mounted press with hydraulic unit and single acting internal return spring return actuator (ram). Constructed from 

structural steel and mild steel plates, fabricated for strength. Powder coated paint finish frames and plated fixings. Supplied with a pair of 

V-blocks/pressing plates, separate pump operating handle and load/pressure gauge. 

 3.  SPEciFicAtionS



PLEASE rEAd tHESE inStructionS cArEFuLLY. notE tHE SAFE oPErAtionAL rEQuirEMEntS, WArninGS & cAutionS.  uSE tHE 

Product corrEctLY And WitH cArE For tHE PurPoSE For WHicH it iS intEndEd. FAiLurE to do So MAY cAuSE dAMAGE And/or PErSonAL 

inJurY And WiLL inVALidAtE tHE WArrAntY. KEEP tHESE inStructionS SAFE For FuturE uSE.

thank you for purchasing a Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard, this product will, if used according to these 

instructions, and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.

Model:................................................................ YK30XF

Floor Mounting:.......................................................... Yes

Type:................................................................. Hydraulic

Capacity:............................................................. 30tonne

Ram Stroke:......................................................... 150mm

Ram Diameter:....................................................... 80mm

*Lateral  Ram  Travel:.............................................. 200mm

**Maximum Height - Ram to Table:......... 1100mm approx. 

**Minimum Height - Ram to Table:........... 110mm approx.

Table Aperture:..................................................... 154mm

Work Table Depth:...............................................  284mm

Work Table Width:...............................................  460mm

Overall  Height:.................................................... 1908mm

Gauge Included:......................................................... Yes

Weight:................................................................. 141.5kg

Gauge graduated in load and pressure 



*See also fig.2 for ram lateral adjustment.

**See also fig.2 for clear opening height max. and min.

 YK30XF     Issue No: 2(I) - 15/04/15

Original Language Version

© Jack Sealey Limited

Read the instruction manual

Wear safety shoes

Beware crushing hands

Wear eye protection
