WARNING! Before lifting ensure Section 1 Safety Instructions are strictly followed.
3.1. Before using the jack, purge the hydraulic system, in order to eliminate any air that may
have accumulated during transit, as follows:
a) Fit jack handle over release valve (fig. 1.1) and turn anti-clockwise to open valve.
b) Insert jack handle into the handle sleeve (2) and pump several times to ensure full
internal lubrication and to bleed air from the system.
c) Fit jack handle back over the release valve (1) and turn clockwise to close.
3.2. Lifting
Ensure you prepare vehicle and use jack according to Section 1 Safety Instructions
3.2.1. Check that the ground upon which the jack will stand is level and solid.
3.2.2. Position the jack saddle (4) under the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended lifting point. Position jack so as to avoid having to operate it
from under the vehicle and so that the handle can be moved up and down without fouling any part of the vehicle.
3.2.3. Raise the saddle to the lifting point. Ensure that the saddle is correctly centred beneath the lifting point.
3.2.4. Pump the handle up and down using full stroke until the required lift is achieved.
3.2.5. Should the jack become overloaded, a safety overload valve will open, and stop the vehicle from lifting.
3.2.6. Lower the vehicle onto suitable rated axle stands before attempting any work.
ReAd these INstRuctIoNs cARefuLLy. Note the sAfe oPeRAtIoNAL ReQuIReMeNts, WARNINGs ANd cAutIoNs.
use thIs JAck coRRectLy ANd WIth cARe foR the PuRPose foR WhIch It Is INteNded. fAILuRe to do so MAy cAuse dAMAGe
ANd/oR PeRsoNAL INJuRy ANd WILL INvALIdAte the WARRANty. RetAIN these INstRuctIoNs foR futuRe use.
Thank you for purchasing a Sealey jack. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and properly
maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
2. INtRoductIoN & sPecIfIcAtIoNs
1. sAfety INstRuctIoNs
50toN bottLe JAck
Cast base with threaded components for easy disassembly. Fully tested and fitted with safety overload valve to comply with the latest CE
regulations. Fitted with carrying handle. Full parts availability.
3. oPeRAtING INstRuctIoNs
1. Release Valve
2. Handle Sleeve
3. Ram
4. Saddle
5. Overload Valve
(Do Not Adjust)
Regularly inspect and lubricate the jack to ensure it is in good working order and condition.
do Not
use the jack if damaged or a fault is
suspected - check Section 5 Troubleshooting. If necessary, immediately repair or replace damaged parts.
Use recommended parts only, the use of unauthorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate your warranty.
Ensure the work area is clean, tidy and free from unrelated materials and has adequate lighting.
Use jack on level and solid ground, preferably concrete.
Avoid tarmacadam since the jack may sink in
Park the vehicle and apply hand brake (if automatic, place in “Park” mode). Switch off the engine and place chocks under the wheels.
Ensure a minimum distance of 0.5m between vehicle and static objects such as doors, walls, etc. to allow for vehicle tilting during jacking.
Ensure all persons are out of the vehicle before jacking.
do Not
enter vehicle whilst it is supported on the jack or axle stands.
Check vehicle weight and recommended lifting points by referring to the vehicle owner’s manual. Ensure the lifting point is not corroded.
Check lifting point is centred and stable on jack saddle (off centre loads can slip). Position jack so as to avoid operating it from under
Use the jack for lifting only, NOT for supporting the lifted load, or to support extensions or cradles. ALWAYS USE ADEQUATELY
Keep hands etc. clear of moving parts during raising and lowering of the vehicle.
Roadside wheel changing is hazardous.
Be extra vigilant,
you may not be able to avoid jacking on tarmacadam. Get everyone
out of vehicle. NEVER go under vehicle. Traffic may cause vehicle to rock. Use hazard warning lights. If in doubt call professional help.
When changing a wheel, slightly loosen wheel nuts/bolts prior to jacking vehicle. Screw wheel nuts/bolts on before lowering vehicle. Finally
tighten them when vehicle is fully lowered.
Only a qualified person should lubricate and maintain the jack. Only recommended
hydraulic jack oil to be
used during maintenance.
do Not
exceed the rated capacity of the jack and
do Not
operate the jack beyond its maximum pump stroke.
Do Not
allow the vehicle to move, or try to start the engine, when the vehicle is jacked up.
do Not
jack a vehicle if it may result in the spillage of fuel, battery acid, or other dangerous substances.
do Not
place any part of your body under vehicle whilst it is supported by the jack. Wait until adequately rated axle stands have
been correctly positioned.
do Not
modify jack in any way.
do Not
use the jack for any other purpose.
do Not
adjust the safety overload valve (fig. 1.5).
Ensure there are no persons or obstructions beneath the vehicle before lowering.
Clean and securely stow the jack with the ram in the down position.
do Not
leave the ram extended. Ensure stowage area is dry.
it is
very dangerous
to go under a vehicle supported by a jack
if additional supports are used.
Do Not
go under a vehicle unless it is supported by adequately rated axle stands.
Seek advice before jacking caravans or trailers.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Capacity Tons: . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Minimum Height (A):. . . . . . . .300mm
Hydraulic lift (B): . . . . . . . . . .180mm
Maximum Height (C): . . . . . . .480mm
(Refer to fig.1)
Original Language Version
SJ50 Issue: 2 - 20/10/09