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InstructIons for:

Pallet truck

Model no:



thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions 

and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.

1.  SaFetY INStructIONS



PleaSe reaD tHeSe INStructIONS careFullY. NOte tHe SaFe OPeratIONal reQuIreMeNtS, WarNINGS & cautIONS. 

uSe tHe PrODuct cOrrectlY aND WItH care FOr tHe PurPOSe FOr WHIcH It IS INteNDeD. FaIlure tO DO SO MaY cauSe 

DaMaGe aND/Or PerSONal INJurY aND WIll INValIDate tHe WarraNtY. PleaSe keeP INStructIONS SaFe FOr Future uSe.

2.  INtrODuctION & SPecIFIcatION



 use a faulty or damaged pallet truck.

  Before using the pallet truck, all parts and working mechanisms  

  should be checked for wear or damage. Pay particular attention to  

  the wheels, handle, fork lifting and lowering mechanism. Any  

  parts found to be worn, damaged or suspect should be repaired  

  or replaced before the truck is used. 

  All repairs must be carried out by an authorised sealey service  


  Personnel who operate the pallet truck and those in the vicinity of  

  operation should wear safety shoes with reinforced toe caps at all  



never place any part of your body in the lifting mechanism or  

  under the forks or load.



 allow others to ride on the pallet truck.



 lift or move unstable or loosely stacked loads. 

  take special care when moving long, high or wide loads in order  

  not to dislodge the load by striking any architectural features,  

  permanent fixtures, vehicles or people in the area of operation.

  Always ensure that the load is evenly distributed across the forks  

  with the centre of the load being at the halfway point of the length  

  of the forks.



 overload the pallet truck - refer to the specification for  

  maximum permitted load. 

  If a load is left unattended or if not in use even for a very short  

  period of time it should be lowered to the ground.

  ensure that the width and length of the forks is correct for the  

  pallet to be lifted.

  ensure that the pallet truck is sufficiently inserted into the pallet to  

  lift the full depth of the pallet.

  use the pallet truck on level, flat, hard surfaces. 

  the operator of the pallet truck must be physically capable of  

  controlling the load selected; particularly in relation to stopping a  

  rolling load. 


When the pallet truck is not in use, lower the forks and park it   

  where it will not be a hazard.


the pallet truck is designed for indoor use +5°c and +40°c. 



 use on sloping or uneven ground and do not attempt to  

  negotiate curbs, steps or ramps. 

3. aSSeMBlY


 Heavy-duty trucks suitable for warehouse and general 

handling duties. Polyurethane, non-marking wheels and tandem 

loading rollers with sealed-for-life bearings all round. robust and 

durable galvanised hydraulic unit with chromed ram and piston for 

resistance to corrosion. single bogey-wheels with drop nose for 

smooth pallet entry. 


 Model  No.:




 Minimum  height: .........................................................................85mm

 Maximum  height:...................................................................... 200mm

 fork length x Width overall:........................................540 x 1150mm

 fork  spread: .............................................................................230mm


position, drive another roll pin through the hole in the other  


end of the pivot pin.


  Move the lever control at the top of the handle into it's highest  


position and hold it there.


  referring to the inset cross section in fig.1, Insert the chain (2)  


with adjusting bolt (6) and nut (8) attached through the hole in  


the centre of the pivot pin.


  there is a transit pin just below the main handle pivot which  


needs to be removed. lower the handle down so that the  


rolling sleeve (3) bears down on top of the piston and remove  


the transit pin.


  Move the lever control at the top of the handle into it's lowest  


position. then raise the rocking lever plate (7) which sits within  


the main casting and move the chain adjusting bolt (6) into the  


slot in the end of the plate so that the adjusting nut (8) is now  


underneath the plate as shown on the inset cross section in fig.1. 



Apply supplied Company Logo, Instructions, Warnings and  


Specification stickers/labels to both sides of pallet truck  


apron. See fig.2 for suggested positions.




Identify the handle pivot pin (5) and tap a roll pin (9) through  


one end of it so that it sticks out equally either side. 



Position yourself behind the truck and insert the handle  


assembly into the pump casting (see fig.1). Align the pivot  


holes at the base of the handle with the pivot holes in the  


casting. take the pivot pin and orientate it so that the inserted



roll pin will lie in the groove made for it in the pump casting.



using a hammer, insert the pivot pin (5) through both  


from right to left

. once the pivot pin is in  

4. aDJuStMeNtS

Original Language Version


© Jack sealey limited

Pt2500        Issue no.1 - 19/11/13


  the control lever (see fig.2) has three positions as follows:-


rAIse - lever in lowest position.


drIVe - lever in centre position.


loWer - lever held in up position. When released the lever


returns to the drive position.


  If the lever does not work in the prescribed way it can be  


adjusted using the nut (8) at the bottom of the adjusting bolt.  


(6) which is attached to the chain (2). see fig.1. 


  If the truck elevates whilst pumping in the 


 position, turn  


the adjusting nut clockwise until the pumping action no longer  


raises the truck and the 


 functions correctly.


