• Phillips Head Screwdriver
• #2 Phillips Drill
• Cleaning Solution (choose one of the following) :
Option #1-
(4 ounces white vinegar) + (12 ounces water)
Option #2-
(1 ounce bleach) + (15 ounces water)
• 32 ounces clean water
1. First, mix your cleaning solution using one of the options listed above.
2. Next, you will need to open the drain side end cap so you have access to the drain tray. To
do this, use the screwdriver or drill to remove the screws (one on each side of the end cap).
NOTE: If you have moved your dehumidifier out of the crawl space, make sure the drain line has
somewhere to drain, prior to proceeding to the next step.
3. Once the end cap is open, press the drain button on the display to drain the reservoir.
Disconnect power to the dehumidifier.
4. Next, slowly pour the cleaning solution into the drain train. Continue pouring all of the
cleaning solution, moving from side to side to evenly distribute it.
WatchDog 900c:
How to Clean the Pump
Seaira Global • 14021 NC Highway 50 • Surf City, NC 28445