Seagate SkyHawk AI Serial ATA Product Manual, Rev. C
Shock and Vibration
Shock and vibration measurements specified in this document are made directly on the drive itself and applied in the X, Y, and Z axis at the drive
mounting point locations.
a. Operating
The drive will operate without error while subjected to intermittent shock pulses not exceeding 70 Gs (read) and 40 Gs (write) at a
maximum duration of 2ms.
b. Non-operating
The drive will operate without non-recoverable errors after being subjected to shock pulses not exceeding 300g at a maximum
duration of 2ms.
a. Linear Random Operating Vibration
The drive will operate without non-recoverable errors while being subjected to the random power spectral density noise
specified below. (This is an image.
b. Random Rotary Operating Vibration
The drive will exhibit greater than 90% throughput for sequential and random write operations while subjected to the shaped
random power spectral density noise specified below.
c. Linear Random Non-Operating Vibration
The drive will not incur physical damage or have non-recoverable errors after being subjected to the power spectral density noise
specified below.