SDC FS23M Series Installation Instructions Download Page 1


FS23M, 1090, 1190 SERIES



Examine the top rail of the door for the most suitable location for the strike. Mark the door for the end of the strike closet to 
the lock stile, and make a corresponding mark on the header to line up with the first mark.


Locate center line of door thickness on the header and attach adhesive cut out template to header. Lining it up with marks, 
center punch the tab-mounting screw locations and counter-sink for #10 screw. Saw or rout out the cutout area.



Examine the lock stile jamb for the point nearest the center of the door height, with space available for the lock and strike. 
Mark the door stile horizontal for the top end of the strike and make a corresponding mark on the jamb.

4.  Locate center line of door thickness on the jamb and attach adhesive cutout template to jamb, lining up the the top of the 

cutout with the horizontal mark on the jamb. Center punch the tab mounting screw locations and counter sink for #10 screw. 
Saw or rout the cutout 1-1/2” x 8”.

5.  Attach the mounting tabs inside.


(FS23M only) bore 5/16” hole for pilot lamp on inside face of frame as shown.


Attach power supply leads to lock leads as shown. Handle the lock carefully; do not hang it by the wire leads. Insert wires 
into the header cavity carefully so they do not interfere with proper locating of the lock in the cutout.


Insert lock. Horizontally, the bolt end is nearest the lock stile. Vertically, the bolt must be at the top end of the cutout.  Secure 
with 10/32 machine screw.


Using strike for a template, mark screw hole location and drill holes for screws supplied. Mortise as required. Attach strike.

10. The automatic relock switch is set for 1/8” clearance between the top of the door and transom bar or head jamb. Any 

additional gap may be compensated for by loosening the lock nut and turning the switch assembly clockwise until proper 
adjustment is reached. Be sure to tighten lock nut when adjustment is satisfactory.

1. Mortise cutout in 

tube for face plate 
(fits flush with 
surface of tube).

2. Position screws 

for attaching 
tabs, drill holes, 
attach tabs.

4. Slide lock into 

position, attach 
to tabs.

3. Connect wiring 

to lock.

P:\INSTALLATION INST\Electric Bolt Locks\INST-90 DEG Dual Coil\INST-90 DEG.vsd     REV E     06-13     Page 1

Easy Installation or Servicing

All Space Saver locks are 
easily installed in any existing 
entrance merely by mortising 
out a cutout, attaching the 
wiring, inserting the lock, and 
bolting it into position with two 
attaching tabs.  Cutting studs is 
no longer a problem or 

Any suggestions or comments to this instruction or 

product are welcome.  Please contact us through 

our website or email [email protected] 

Fig. 2

Auto Relock Switch
Adjustable for Wide Door Gap

Loosen nut.
Turn assembly 
clockwise for wide 
door gap.
Tighten nut.

Fig. 1

801 Avenida Acaso, Camarillo, Ca. 93012  •   (805) 494-0622  •  •  E-mail: [email protected]
