Serial Port Communications and Commands
Date Code 20020129
SEL-387E Instruction Manual
=>>PAS 1 Ot3579<ENTER>
The relay sets the password, pulses the ALARM relay closed for approximately one second, and
transmits the response “Set” to the display.
Passwords may contain up to six characters and include any combination of letters, numbers,
periods, or hyphens. Upper- and lower-case letters are treated as different characters. Strong
passwords consist of six characters, with at least one special character or digit and mixed case
sensitivity, but do not form a name, date, acronym, or word. Passwords formed in this manner
are less susceptible to password guessing and automated attacks. Examples of valid, distinct
strong passwords include:
Ot3579 A24.68
After entering new passwords, type
to inspect them. Make sure they are what
you intended, and record the new passwords.
If the passwords are lost, or you wish to operate the relay completely without password
protection, install main board jumper JMP6A. With no password protection, you may gain
access without knowing the passwords and view or change active passwords and settings.
PUL n (Pulse)
Access Levels B, 2
PUL n k
command asserts the selected output contact n for k seconds. The k parameter is
optional. If k is not specified, the output contact is pulsed for one second. Main board breaker
jumper JMP6B must be in place. After issuing the
command, the relay asks for
confirmation of the operation and then asks if you are sure. An invalid output contact name or
incorrect k value produces an error message.
Parameter n may be any existing output contact element name such as OUT107. Parameter k
must be a number ranging from 1 to 30 seconds.
command is useful during testing to verify operation of output contacts, but it
should not be used while the relay is in service. During the entire time the specified
output contact is being pulsed, all other output contacts are frozen in their existing states
and are not permitted to change. This could prevent a trip or other critical output from
being issued during the specified PUL time interval.
=>>PUL OUT107 3<ENTER>
Pulse contact OUT107 for 3 second(s) (Y/N) ? Y<ENTER>
Are you sure (Y/N) ? Y<ENTER>