Event Reports and Sequential Events Reporting
Date Code 20010521
SEL-387E Instruction Manual
ALIAS2 = CLS1 BKR1CLOSE. In the report, instead of CLS1 being listed, the name
BKR1CLOSE will appear, indicating a breaker 1 close operation was performed.
Alias names can only consist of letters (capital or lower-case), numbers, and the
underscore character; they cannot contain spaces or any other type of character.
In addition to the SERn trigger settings, if the relay is newly powered up or a settings change is
made, a row is triggered in the SER event report with the message:
Relay newly powered up or settings changed
Each entry in the SER includes SER row number, date, time, element name, and element state.
Generally, the rows are listed from top to bottom in chronological order, oldest first, to facilitate
analyzing the sequence. The newest records have the lowest row numbers, the oldest records the
highest row numbers.
Making SER Event Report Trigger Settings
Each SER trigger setting (SER1, SER2, SER3, or SER4) can be set with as many as 24 elements
(Relay Word bits from Tables 5.7 to 5.9). Thus, as many as 96 total elements can be monitored
for SER event report row triggering.
You can make SER settings using spaces or commas as delimiters between elements. For
example, if setting SER1 is made as follows:
SER1 = IN101,IN102 IN103,,IN104 , IN105, , IN106
The relay displays the settings as:
SER1 = IN101,IN102,IN103,IN104,IN105,IN106
Retrieving SER Event Report Rows
The latest 512 rows of the SER event report are stored in nonvolatile memory. Row 1 is the
most recently triggered row, and row 512 is the oldest. These lines are accessed with the
command in the following different ways:
Example SER
Serial Port
Commands Format
is entered with no numbers following it, all available rows are
displayed (up to row number 512). They display with the oldest row at
the beginning (top) of the report and the latest row (row 1) at the end
(bottom) of the report. Chronological progression through the report is
down the page and in descending row number.
SER 17
is entered with a single number following it (17 in this example),
the first 17 rows are displayed, if they exist. They display with the
oldest row (row 17) at the beginning (top) of the report and the latest
row (row 1) at the end (bottom) of the report. Chronological progression
through the report is down the page and in descending row number.