02.00|WDB 99 |en
WDA 99-70-D36
The WDA 99-70 D36 compensation module in connection with the
WDA-SPC 36 direct clamping pin workpiece is intended for individ-
ual height adjustment to the workpiece. It forms the flexible
change interface to the workpiece or the clamping pallet. A cylin-
drical clamping pin can be fixed with this up to a certain extension
This compensation module satisfies the holding function for flexi-
ble workpiece support. To position in the fixing level, gauge toler-
ances for the reference clamping areas can be compensated. Angle
tolerances to the workpiece can be compensated at an angle to
the clamping slide axis. This compensation module can be used
several times in the entire clamping structure, unlike the WDA 99-
79 D32 compensation module. Several clamping pillars can be
loaded with this compensation module. At least two clamping pil-
lars in the system structure must be fitted with a clamping pin with
centering function such as VERO-S SPA 40RF (centering pin) and a
VERO-S SPB 40RF clamping pin with sword function.
Mounting and connection WDA 99-70 D36
Via the change interface, it can be positioned as the top clamping
system on the WDB 99 clamping pillars. The clamping system has a
pneumatic clamping unit and is clamped or loosened via the com-
pressed air supply of the base module or basic module. The
change interface is suitable for the WDS 99 stacking modules.
An upcoming compressed air supply from the stacking modules at
the connection for the workpiece presence monitoring is closed