URCap Software
01.00 | SCHUNK Software Module for URCap | Software Manual | en | 1369443
4.3 Determining the Tooling Mass and Offset
Do not enter the following default values into the robot control-
ler without accounting for the tooling mass by using the follow-
ing equations.
Failure to account for the tooling mass and offset reduces the
performance of the UR robot.
Properly account for the customer tooling, when setting up
the tool center point or TCP.
The SCHUNK-provided sensor and interface plate in the UR Kit
have the following mass characteristics with no customer tooling
• Mass = 0.558 kg
• Offset to the Center of Gravity in the Z direction = 22.8 mm
• Offset to the Center of Gravity in the X, Y directions = 0 mm
• Total Stack Height or Offset from the robot reference plane to
the sensor reference plane = 46.4 mm
When the customer tooling is mounted to the sensor, these de-
fault values change to account for both the mass of the tool and
the mass of the sensor. Use the following equations to determine
the values to enter in the fields of the “Setup for the Tool Center
Point” screen; Refer to Figure "Setup for the Tool Center Point".
The following diagram can be used as a reference for the equa-
CG of FT-Sensor
and Interface Plate
Robot Arm
CG Total
CG Cutsomer's Tooling
Customer's CG
in the Z direction