SLG 425I
Operating instructions
Safety light grid
6.2 Fault diagnostic
The light grid performs an internal self-test after the operating voltage is switched on and the protection field is enabled. When a fault is detected, a
corresponding flashing pattern is emitted at the receiver through the LED OSSD OFF (red). Every fault emission is followed by a one-second pause.
Fault feature
OSSD OFF and LED restart
continuous flashing
Wiring error for function selection
(Restart interlock (manual reset), automatic
Check connection at the receiver, bridge 1 or
bridge 2 must be wired (refer to Wiring)
1 flashes
Error at sensor receiver
Replace receiver
2 flashes
Error contactor control OFF
Check connections at contactor control input, refer to
Wiring, check wiring of the auxiliary contacts
3 flashes
Error contactor control ON
Check wiring at contactor control input, short-circuit at +UB and
mass. Power reset after fault rectification.
4 flashes
Errors at the OSSD outputs
Check the wiring of the outputs, OSSD for short-circuit at +UB and
5 flashes
Error configuration data
Check the configuration settings by means of the NSR-0801 BUS
6 flashes
Error blanking
The receiver has detected blanked beams as beams without inter-
ruption, i.e. locking. Check the configuration settings by means of the
NSR-0801 BUS converter, repeat the teach process with blanking.
6.3 Extended diagnostic
By means of the optional configuration software and the NSR-0801
BUS converter, an extended diagnostic can be executed. The software
provides the status information of the component and can represent the
individual light lines. This feature enables an optimal adjustment of the
light grid. The diagnostic mode is signalled by the OSSD ON and OSSD
OFF LED‘s at the receiver. In diagnostic mode, protective mode is
disabled, the ODDS outputs being locked. The change from diagnostic
mode to protective mode is automatically realised after Power Reset,
when the BUS converter is no longer integrated and the connecting
cable of the sensor is reconnected.
7. Disassembly and disposal
7.1 Disassembly
The safety switchgear must be disassembled in a de-energised condi-
tion only.
7.2 Disposal
The safety switchgear must be disposed of in an appropriate manner in
accordance with the national prescriptions and legislations.
8. Appendix
8.1 Contact
Consultancy / Sales:
K.A. Schmersal GmbH
Industrielle Sicherheitsschaltsysteme
Möddinghofe 30
D-42279 Wuppertal
Tel:+49 (0) 202 64 74 -0
Fax:+49 (0) 202 64 74- 100
You will also find detailed information regarding our product variety on
our website: www. schmersal.com
Repair handling / shipping:
Safety Control GmbH
Am Industriepark 11
D-84453 Mühldorf / Inn
Tel.: +49 (0) 8631-18796-0
Fax: +49 (0) 8631-18796-1