Schlage CO-220 Quick Start Manual Download Page 1

©2014 Allegion

(877) 671-7011

Printed in Country

P516-857 Rev. 5/14-a


CO-220 Battery Replacement Addendum

Multi-Lock Fob Addendum to the CO-220 User Guide

Follow this procedure when replacing batteries or after any power 


Battery Replacement and Power Interruption Procedure with Paired Fob:


 Lock functionality is required to complete this procedure.  If the lock’s batteries have 

failed (rendering the lock unresponsive to credentials), replace the batteries before beginning step 1.

1. Open the battery cover on interior side of lock. Use a fob paired to the lock to place it in Lockdown Mode

a. Press and hold the fob’s lock button (approx. 2 seconds) to put the lock into Lockdown Mode


b. Observe the interior red LED flashing, indicating Lockdown Mode


c. Rotate exterior lever to verify the lock is in Lockdown Mode 



i. If locked, proceed to step 2



ii. If unlocked, press and release the Safe School button on the lock’s circuit board to 



   deactivate Lockdown Mode 




- Present a valid Normal credential to the lock and verify it re-locks after the 




  lock delay period




- Restart at step 1. of this Battery Replacement 




  and Power Interruption Procedure

2. With the interior red LED flashing, remove all (4) used AA batteries before 
replacing with new AA alkaline batteries (if the batteries required replacement 
prior to step 1. as noted above, remove and reinstall the batteries now)

a. Ensure proper battery orientation

3. Check lock functionality with paired fob

a. Press and hold the fob’s lock button (approx. 2 seconds) to put 


    the lock into Lockdown Mode


b. Observe interior LED momentarily flash green, then red indicating Lockdown Mode


c. Rotate exterior lever to verify the lock is in Lockdown Mode 



i. If locked, press and release the Safe School button on the lock’s circuit board to 



  deactivate Lockdown Mode (see picture)




- Observe the interior LED flash green 4 times rapidly




- The lock should be in the locked state 




  (unless in an AutoUnlock time period)



  The battery replacement procedure is now complete.  The lock is ready for operation 



ii. If unlocked, contact Technical Support

Please contact Technical Support for any questions concerning this addendum.

For more reference material on the CO-220, please visit

1-877-671-7011 Option 2 — Hours of Operation: 8AM to 8PM EST


     Failure to follow this procedure may prevent the lock from responding properly to the fob.   

After battery replacement or any power interruption, this process will ensure proper lock operation


Safe School Button
