Each channel has five lines. Each channel is wired identically at the 50-pin connector.
The five lines are Ground, Transmit Data output Minus, Transmit Data output Plus,
Receive Data input Minus, and Receive Data input Plus. The common ground line for all
channels connects to the local logic ground.
Eight general purpose input lines at non-RS-422 levels are provided on pins 43 through
50. These are unbuffered CMOS logic inputs connected directly to the SCC2698B. They
may be programmed as general purpose inputs or as the counter/timer external input.
The switching threshold for inputs is at TTL levels (1.5 volts nominal). Since these lines
are unbuffered, the user is cautioned to observe anti-static rules in handling cabling, the
IndustryPack and all connecting hardware. External equipment connected to these lines
should be powered up and down at the same time as the IndustryPack.
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