Navsight Solution
– Hardware Manual
5.15.2. Navsight use in marine applications
In the next diagram, the Navsight unit is used as motion and navigation sensor for a multi-beam echo
sounder survey application.
IMU is located close to the Sonar head – or at any place convenient for the user
Two antennas are rigidly installed on top of the vessel
Serial RTK corrections are received on the PORT D
Ethernet interface is used to:
send back motion information to the MBES top-side unit.
Record real time navigation outputs in the survey software (QPS, Hypack, PDS, or any other
dedicated software)
Get full mission raw IMU + GNSS data for post-processing purpose on Qinertia through the FTP
Figure 5.27: Navsight use in typical Marine survey application
Ethernet network
SbgECom computer
TSS1 MBES Top side unit
RS-485 IMU connection
RS-232 RTK corrections
2x GNSS antennas