Sauter flexotron®800
Set the parameters for damper exercise in the submenu.
Damper exercise
Running time: 90 sec
Interval in days: 1
Hour for exerc.: 00
Running time is the time the damper actuator needs to open or close.
Hour for exercise is the hour of the day at which you want the function to be run.
For detailed description of damper exercising, see the section Damper control.
16.14 Humidity control
Humidity control can be configured as either humidification or dehumidification or as
combined humidification/dehumidification. These settings are for the digital output
Humidity control
Start limit: 15%
Stop limit: 5%
For a detailed description, see the section Humidity control.
16.15 Exchanger de-icing
Exchanger de-icing
De-icing parameters
Hysteresis: 1.0 °C
Stoptemp SAF:-10.0°C
Min. run time: 5 min
For detailed description of exchanger alternatives, see section 5.1.3 Heat exchanger.
16.16 Cooling recovery
Cooling recovery
Cooling limit: 0.0°C
Cooling limit is the difference in temperature between extract air and outdoor air.
For details, see section 5.1.7 Cooling recovery.
16.17 Minimum limit dampers
Min limit dampers
Not active
Min limit.: 5%
For detailed description of exchanger alternatives, see section 5.1.3 Heat exchanger.