Thank you for purchasing our Saturn Eazyfile, we hope you enjoy the benefits of using this product.
How the Eazyfile works
The Eazyfile uses a continually rotating nail file belt traveling across opening at the front of the Eazyfile,
you can see or feel where you need to press the nail up against the rotating file belt and watch or feel
the nail being filled with ease. It is here at the front opening where you can replace the file belt, follow
the file belt replacement instructions.
INPORTANT: The Eazyfile is not a toy, but is a hygiene product and therefore should be for personal use
When using the Eazyfile correctly and regularly, you will never need to use scissors or nail clippers on
your nails again.
The Eazyfile requires 2 x AA batteries (not included) you will require a small cross head
screwdriver to remove and refit the battery cover.
The Eazyfile will come with a Grade 1 Saturn smooth file belt fitted ready for use. A further 2 file
strips are included within the box. 1x Grade 2 file strip and 1x Grade 3 file strip (you can
purchase further Saturn white gold file strips from our website, eazyfile.co.uk
To start the file belt rotating, press down the on/off button on the top of the unit. For safety
reasons, the file belt will only rotate when holding the button down.
The Saturn Eazyfile is suitable for:
Finger and toe nails only
Use of children from the age of 5 years and over.
Used on children under the age of 5 years old
For male and females
For anyone who can’t cut our clip their nails due to certin conditions such as diabetics etc.
For anyone with poor or no eyesight.
For anyone with poor hand movement such as arthritis or elderly and frail.
Or for children who are too young to cut or clip their own nails.
Warning: This device is intended only for filing human finger and toenails, avoid use on irritated, ingrown, or infected
finger or toenails, consult a physician before use if any nail conditions exist, Do not rinse the eazyfile with
water or any other liquid. Only clean the outside of the unit with a soft, dry cloth, damaged or malfunctioning,
discontinue use immediately.
When using the Eazyfile you should:
Use only on finger and toe nails
Use as directed within these instructions
Use if or when the finger or toe nail requires shortening or maintaining