4.3.2 Functions
Scene 1-bit
For each channel, eight 1-bit scenes (activated by 1-bit telegram) can be defined in the
module. The scenes are divided into four pairs 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8. Each pair of scenes
activated in the program enables the “Call scene 1-bit (X/Y)” communication object (where:
X/Y = 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8). The telegram received from such an object with value “0” activates
the first scene (with odd number) and the t
elegram with value “1” activates the other scene
(with even number) from the given pair. In response to each scene the blind/shutter can be
set to a different position, in accordance with the percentage value of opening defined for the
channel in the ETS p
rogram (see “Blind/shutter operating parameters”). Figure 11 shows an
example of how you can use the 1-bit scenes to control the position of blinds, by defining the
correct percentage values of opening for the first and second scenes from the pair:
percentage value of opening before calling scenes: channel A = 0%, channel B = 0%,
percentage value of opening in response to scene 1: channel A = 100%, channel B = 50%,
percentage value of opening in response to scene 2: channel A = 0%, channel B = 0%.
The channel can learn 1-bit scenes from the bus. Enabling the function of scene learning by
the channel during configuration will enable, for each pair of scenes activated in the channel,
the “Set scene 1-bit (X/Y)” communication object that makes it possible to store the 1-bit
scenes. After the channel receives a telegram with value “0” from that object, the current
channel state will be assigned to the first scene of the X/Y pair. The telegram with value “1”
will assign the current channel state to the second scene of that pair.
Depending on the blind/shutter type selected for the channel, other parameters are displayed
in the “Scene 1-bit” tab.