The event log file is accessed in the same manner as data log files. Refer to Section 3.2.3 for details.
3.4 Using Data Write Exchanges
The Data server can provide remote writing data to serviced devices upon user requests. Up to 250
write exchanges are supported with a size of 1 to 12 registers. Table 3-9 shows configuration
parameters that can be defined for each write exchange.
Table 3-9 Write Exchange Setup
Description Range
Exchange number
Start device register address
Exchange block size, registers
Device ID
Write enabled
1=enabled, 0=disabled
Configured data exchanges are accessed via the data write exchange block. It occupies 14 registers in
the address range of 9200 to 9213. Table 3-10 shows the write exchange layout.
Table 3-10 Write Exchange Block
Description Range
Exchange number
Write flag
0 – Data has been written
1 – Data is waiting to be written
Data register 1
Data register 12
To send data to a device via a write exchange, write data to the write exchange block with the write flag
being set to 1. The write flag is automatically cleared after the data has been successfully transferred to
the device. Always check this flag before writing new data to the exchange to ensure it is empty,
otherwise previously written data may be lost.