DS 3.401
An Invensys company
Specification no. 477-X-XXX
Satchwell Linear Actuators type 'AL' are reversing actuators having a
linear output, for direct coupling to Satchwell lift and lay seat-type
control valves or other seat valves requiring a linear driver over stroke
lengths of up to 38mm (1½"), within the limits of output thrust stated
overleaf and with compatible mounting arrangements.
These actuators are suitable for either two-position or modulating
control, dependent on the controller or other switching device providing
the input signal. The ALM is suitable for a mains power supply, the ALX
is 24V, and the ALE is 24V, but accepts a 0-10Vdc input signal.
The ALE actuator can be set to operate a low hysteresis when used for
tight control applications on microprocessor based controllers such as
the KMC and MMC.
Direct coupling to Satchwell seat valves without extra
mounting brackets or linkage kits, saving site time
Direct coupling to other makes of seat valves, where stroke,
thrust and mounting are compatible
Universal for valve strokes, up to 38mm (1½"). Actuator stroke
is self-setting to suit valve stroke, including ALE by simple
Alternative stroke times, to suit application
Manual operation or override facility built-in
Standard or low hysterisis selection on ALE to cater for
different application types
Case sealed to IP 54 as standard
Auxiliary switch kit available, see 'Accessories'
† For the full specification number replace the 4Xs with the
appropriate figures from the 'TYPE' column in the table
on page 2.
MLI 3.401 - Mounting Instructions
DS 4.410 - VZ, VSF, VZF
DS 4.610 - MZ, MJF, MZF