Saswell SAS908XWHB-7-APP User Manual Download Page 1



 internetni WIFI termostat | Wired internet WIFI thermostat  

Android / iOS APP





Uporabniški priročnik


User manual 

Summary of Contents for SAS908XWHB-7-APP

Page 1: ...i ni internetni WIFI termostat Wired internet WIFI thermostat Android iOS APP SASWELL SAS908XWHB 7 APP Uporabni ki priro nik User manual...

Page 2: s tirimi preklopi Navodila za uporabo in vzdr evanje so del splo nih prodajnih pogojev Pridr ujemo si pravico do sprememb detajlov tehnologije in izvedbe Garancija velja le skupaj z ra unom Dopu am...

Page 3: ...gane sve ke ipd Izdelka ne postavljajte na mesta kjer ni zadostnega kro enja zraka V prezra evalne odprtine ne vtikajte nobenih predmetov Ne posegajte v notranjo elektri no napeljavo izdelka lahko ga...

Page 4: ita proti zmrzovanju Pametna prilagoditev funkcija ki omogo a najvi ji nivo udobja v va em domu Termostat se s posebnim algoritmom u i skozi zadnjih nekaj dni in pri ne z ogrevanjem e pred naslednj...

Page 5: ...klopov ob kateri uri elite preklop vr ite s tipko P kratek pritisk eljena vrednost utripa spremembo izvr ite s tipko ali Na naslednji nivo oz asovni program preidete zopet s kratkim pritiskom na tipko...

Page 6: ...umbov in stikal 1 Vklop Za ita proti zmrzovanju Izklop 2 Nastavitev ure 3 Nastavitev uporaba programa kratek pritisk konstantna temp dr anje temperature dolgi pritisk 4 Potrditev izhod 5 Tipka reset 6...

Page 7: ...Napaka pri komunikaciji 7 Na in upravljanja 8 Na ini programa 9 Delovanje ogrevanja se pri ge le e se prostor trenutno ogreva 10 Enota temperature 11 Na in delovanja program konstantna temperatura dr...

Page 8: ...rat pustite zunaj zaradi naslednjega koraka Monta a Termostat namestite na steno v eljeni sobi Stensko namestitev opravite tako da ostranite zadnji pokrov in si ozna ite kje boste izvrtali luknje zanj...

Page 9: ...Nato izvedite elektri no vezavo Ponovno monta o naj izvede strokovno usposobljena oseba Shema vezave...

Page 10: ...orabi naprave Napaka prikaz Opis Prikaz pre rtane baterije Slabe baterije potrebna imprej nja menjava baterij roomERR Okvara temperaturnega tipala Prikaz na ekranu je popa en napa en ali ga pa ni Za a...

Page 11: ...Nastavitev programov S kratkim pritiskom na tipko P preidete v na in urejanja programov ogrevanja Pri vsakemu urejanju programov se sklicujte na privzete tabele programov Ko ste v na inu urejanja s ti...

Page 12: ...ripa temperatura S tipko ali izberete eleno temperaturo asovnega programa Izbiro potrdite s kratkim pritiskom na tipko P 5 Sedaj ste kon ali urejanje prvega od estih asovnih programov za izbrani dan u...

Page 13: ...1 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Torek Tue 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Sreda Wed 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C et Thu 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16...

Page 14: ...21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Sreda Wed 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 et Thu 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Petek Fri 6 0...

Page 15: ...0 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Sreda Wed 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C et Thu 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Petek Fri 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Ogrevanje 1 Jut...

Page 16: ...d 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 et Thu 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Petek Fri 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Ogrevan...

Page 17: ...00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Sreda Wed 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C et Thu 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Petek Fri 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22...

Page 18: ...6 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Sreda Wed 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 et Thu 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Petek Fri 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00...

Page 19: ...C Najni ja delovna temperatura 4 bL 05 00 05 15 Trajanje osvetlitve ekrana v sekundah 5 db 05 0 5 3 0 Razpon temperature razpon je temperaturna razlika pri vklopu in izklopu e npr nastavite temperatu...

Page 20: no spremembo temperature s tipkami ali e je opcija aktivirana se vam na ekranu prika e napis TEMPORARY HOLD glej opis prikaza t 11 eljena temperatura ostane aktivna do naslednje spremembe programa...

Page 21: sedaj deluje kot navadni termostat Za direktno testno upravljanje mora biti termostat v ROOM CON glej opis prikaza 7 Sedaj se lahko pove ete direktno na termostat in mo na je nastavitev in ogled te...

Page 22: ...Termostat lahko uporabljate tudi brez internetnega dostopa preko aplikacije vendar v okrnjenem testnem na inu lokalna uporaba V tem na inu morate biti v dosegu termostata in aplikacija vam bo omogo a...

Page 23: ...kranu se vam v desnem kotu zgoraj prika e napis DIRECT Pritisnite na ta napis in sedaj se vrnite v meni telefona ter pojdite v nastavitve telefona WLAN Najdite SSID termostata in kliknite nanj SSID se...

Page 24: ...vneseno geslo pod RE ENTER PASSWORD 6 Pritisnite REGISTER in s tem ste samo e en korak do kon anja postopka 7 Preverite va e po tni nabiralnik in najdite potrditveni email Pritisnite na potrditveno po...

Page 25: ...ON na inu e ni pojdi par strani nazaj in ga prestavite iz MASTER CON v ROOM CON e pod indikatorjem prikaza 7 ne pi e nobenega od na tetih na inov pomeni da je naprava v baterijskem napajanju Odstranit...

Page 26: ...termostatu saj boste le tako lahko zagotovili kvalitetno internetno povezavo termostatu Priporo amo da se s svojim mobilnim telefonom postavite na lokacijo termostata in preko telefona ocenite jakost...

Page 27: ...Izberite WLAN omre je ki ima isto ime kot napis na ohi ju Va ega termostata SSID Thermostat in se pove ite nanj 3 Sedaj se vrnite v Thermostat aplikacijo Aplikacija bi morala sama zaznati da ste povez...

Page 28: ...prav termostatov dr ite par sekund na imenu termostata katerega elite preimenovati in aplikacija Vam ponudi opcijo Rename thermostat ter Remove Preimenovanje Ker elimo preimenovati termostat izberemo...

Page 29: ...peraturo Target s pritski na pu ici gor ali dol 2 imate pregled nad trenutno temperaturo prostora Current 3 popolnoma izklju ite termostat Slide to power off tako da podrsate na desno po napisu 4 vklj...

Page 30: ...kanjem na pu ici gor ali dol nastavite eleno temperaturo ob nastavljeni uri 6 Ko nastavite vse postavke za elen program pritisnite na gumb SUBMIT 7 da shranite nastavitve e elite nastaviti za asno tem...

Page 31: ...the general terms and conditions of sale We reserve the right to change the details technology and performance The guarantee is valid only with the original invoice We allow the possibility of errors...

Page 32: ...ce the product in places where there is insufficient air circulation Do not insert any objects into the ventilation openings Do not interfere with the internal electrical wiring of the product It may...

Page 33: ...mostat to learn on how much time it needs to get the room heated to the desired temperature and then starts to preheat before the next schedule even begins which enables to get the desired room temper...

Page 34: ...e values when they are blinking by pressing buttons decrease value or increase value and again confirming the values by short pressing button P To exit any editing just short press the button R All va...

Page 35: ...descriptions Button description 1 On Frost protection Off stand by 2 Setting the clock 3 Setting the programs short press Hold constant temperature long press 4 Confirm Exit 5 Reset button 6 Up Incre...

Page 36: ...un symbol will be lit 6 Communication error 7 Control mode 8 Program mode 9 Heating operation turns on only if the room is currently heating 10 Temperature unit 11 Mode of operation program hold 12 Ba...

Page 37: ...wall in the desired room Perform the wall mounting by removing the back cover and marking where you will drill holes for it Then screw the cover into the designated marked place and attach the room u...

Page 38: ...ted this step preform electrical wiring Once again the assembly installation should be carried out by a qualified person Electrical scheme Pump wiring diagram Heating device wiring diagram Heating dev...

Page 39: ...vice might show on the display Error shown on display Description Crossed battery Bad batteries requires the replacement of batteries as soon as possible roomERR Thermostat sensor failure No display o...

Page 40: ...e you can use the P button to switch between the settings days clock temperature and timer and or keys to change the desired values when the selected value flashes We can choose the settings for 7 5 2...

Page 41: ...ure of the time program Confirm the selection by briefly pressing the P button 5 Now you have finished editing the first of the six time programs for the selected day the clock is flashing and the nex...

Page 42: ...00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Tuesday 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Wednesday 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Thursday 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22...

Page 43: ...8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Wednesday 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Thursday 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Friday 6 00 21...

Page 44: ...C 22 00 16 5 C Wednesday 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Thursday 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Friday 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Heating 1 Morning 2...

Page 45: ...00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Thursday 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Friday 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Heating 1 Mo...

Page 46: ...21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Wednesday 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Thursday 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 16 5 C Friday 6 00 21 C 8 00 16 5 C 18 00 21 C 22 00 1...

Page 47: ...18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Wednesday 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Thursday 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5 18 00 21 22 00 16 5 Friday 6 00 21 8 00 16 5 12 00 21 14 00 16 5...

Page 48: ...output operating temperature 4 bL 05 00 05 15 Backlight duration in seconds 5 db 05 0 5 3 0 Temperature range temperature difference between switching on and off If for example the temperature on the...

Page 49: ...activated by manually changing the temperature using or buttons If the option is activated TEMPORARY HOLD appears on the screen see display description No 11 The desired temperature remains active un...

Page 50: installer and use the thermostat only powered via batteries For DIRECT test mode control the thermostat must be set in ROOM CON mode see display description 7 Now you can connect directly on the th...

Page 51: also be used via the app without internet access but in test mode local mode This means you can only see the current room temperature and set the desired temperature but cannot set any heating sche...

Page 52: ...starts with THERMOSTAT Now return to the Saswell app Now you should able to see the current room temperature and set the desired heating temperature via app Important To be able to access the local te...

Page 53: your desired password under RE ENTER PASSWORD 6 Press REGISTER and by doing that you re just one step away from completing the registration 7 Check your email mailbox and find the confirmation emai...

Page 54: powered not only battery powered Now check if the thermostat is in AP mode ROOM CON If not turn it to ROOM CON using the instructions on previous pages Now open the app and login using your login...

Page 55: ...loser It s recommended to have at least two strength lines on you smart device this is also a way to check your wireless signal strength on the thermostats location 4 When you ve selected the desired...

Page 56: ...uld automatically see that you re connected to the thermostats network and moved on to the next step Now you have to re enter the password for your home network the SSID of your home network should be...

Page 57: ...ou can do this by pressing on the thermostats name for a few seconds and a popup window should appear asking for your choice to remove or rename the thermostat Renaming As we wish to rename the thermo...

Page 58: ...ostats settings Now you can 1 set the temporary temperature TARGET 2 see the current room temperature CURRENT 3 completely turn off the thermostat by sliding right over the slide to power off 4 turn o...

Page 59: ...program 5 Now set the desired set temperature by pressing up or down arrows 6 When you ve set all of the heating programs press SUBMIT 7 to save all of your changes If you wish to set a temporary set...
