Technically, calibration means deter-
mining the difference between the
weight readout and the true weight
(mass) of a sample. Calibration does
not entail making any changes within
the scale. Adjustment is the correction
of this difference between the measured
value displayed and the true weight
(mass) of a sample, or the reduction
of the difference to an allowable level
within the maximum permissible error
limits. Because the CB scale automati-
cally performs both calibration and
adjustment, we use the term “calibrate/
adjust” to mean both in this manual.
Calibration/adjustment can only be
performed when
– there is no load on the scale,
– the scale is set to zero, and
– the internal signal is stable.
If these conditions are not met,
an error code is displayed.
The value of the weight on the scale
must not differ from the nominal
weight by more than 2%.
You can use any of the following
weight units to calibrate/adjust:
g, kg, lb (
1. 4.
You can block calibration/adjustment
of the scale (
1. 5.
Factory Settings of the Parameters
Weight unit for calibration/adjustment:
grams (
1. 4. 1
Calibration/adjustment function:
accessible (
1. 5. 1