Sanyo LCD-32E30A Instruction Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for LCD-32E30A


Page 2: ...ou purchased the LCDW orthe servicecenter A SAFETY PREcAUTToN WARNING TO REDUCE THERISKOF FIREOR ELECTRIC SHOCK DONOTEXPOSE THISAPPLIANCE TO RAINORMOISTURE Installthe LCDW in a properposition lf nol it mayresultin a fire hazard Provideappropriate spaceon the iop sides andrearofthe LCDW cabinetfor allowingair circulation andcoolingthe LCDW Minimumclearancemustbe maintained Itthe LCDTV islo be built...

Page 3: ...or heatregister ThisLCDTV should notbeplaced ina built in installation such as a bookcase unlessorooerventilation is orovided Neverpushobjectsof anykindintothisLCDTVthrough cabinetslotsas they may touchdangerousvoltage pointsor shortout partsthatcouldresultin a fire or electricshock Neverspillliquidof anykindon the LCD TV Do not placeitemssuchas vasescontaining liquidon topoftheLCDTV Donotinstallt...

Page 4: ...inganyobjectunderlhe screenmaycausedamageon the screen The LCDTV withthis standshouldbe installed onflatandlevelplace Do nol placeon suchas an nonflai unlevelor unstablecartor stand Thedisplaymayfall causingnolonlyseriousdamageto the products but seriousinjuryto a person N Forcorrectinslallation mountinganduninstalling of the LCDTV Stand it is stronglyrecommended to usea trained authorizedtechnici...


Page 6: ...eature SPORTS Wth the pre6sof a button sporls mode optimizes piclure and audio settingsfor diferent types of sports programs see page 22 r FOOTBALL Pre setsfor Football Golf etc r WINTER Pre setsfor Skiing lce Skating etc r MARINESPORTS Pre setsfor Swimming Divingetc r INDOORSPORTS Pre setsfor Basketball Boxing program etc LightSensor Ambient lightsensor automatically adjusts picture brightness to...

Page 7: ...PREPARATION ffirc ffiW CARINGFORYOURLCDTV Donotbumpor scratch the panelsurfaceas thiscausesflawson thesurfaceof thescreen Theremaybesometinyblackspotsand orblightspotson theSCREEN Thisis normal 7 ...

Page 8: ...headphones stereo Intemal soeaker sound will be cut off Forconnection ofvideoandaudiooutDuts from digital videoequipment DVDunit RCAtype Audio LandR RCAtype Connecl a lelevision videorecorder orextemal audioamDlifier tothese iacks Video RCA type AudioLandR RCAtype Connecl videoandaudiooutput from digital videoequipment DVDunit RCAtype AudioLandR RCAtype Connect allkindsof HOMI outputequipment ioth...

Page 9: ... Consultyour authorized dealeror servicepersonnel if youare not sureof thetypeof powerbeingsupplied Connectthe LCDTV to all peripheral equipmentbefore turning it on A ounon Forsafetyreasons unplugtheAC powercordwhen the LCDTV is notin use Cable required forconnection Aerial Cable notsupplied withtheLCD TV NOTE Forallaerial problems please mnsult your local dealer AC POWERCORD The AC outlet shouldb...

Page 10: ...ecta DVIsourceto HDMI1 inputterminalby usinga DVIto HDMIconverter howeveraudiowill be lost The PCAudioInput terminalcansupported the audioinputforthe PCand HDMIInput1 A NOTE When connectingthe cable AC Power Cords of both LCD TV and external equipmentshouldbe disc onnected from AC outlet Turn LCDTV and peripheral equipmenton beforeyour computeris switchedon DesKopType ilHMtl L I ffi LaplopType tl ...

Page 11: ... DVD Component Video VideoCable RCAX 1 AudioCable RCAX2 Monitor Outputs HDMICable HDMIInput NOTE When connectedthe cable AC PowerCords of bothLCD TV and externalequipmentshouldbe disconnectedfromAC outlet HDMIOutput Composite Videoand Audio Output DVD videoequipmenl RCAx3 Audio ble RcAx2 Note Video RCA outputis supportedfor TV and DTV ff Video ble RCAx1 4s rL Audio ble RCAx2 ll ...

Page 12: ...BEFORE OPERATION Note In differentmodes somebuttonswill havedifferent functions 12 ...

Page 13: ... In rt trro Ann size batteries 1 5V accordingto and polaritysymbols ffi ctosetnebattery compartment cover Toensuresafeoperation pleaseobservethe followingprecautions Usealkalinebatteries ReDlace bothbatteriesat the sametime Do not usea newbatterywitha usedbattery Avoidcontacting withwateror liquids Do nol droothe RemoteControl lf a batteryhasleakedinsidethe RemoteControl carefully wipecasecleanand...

Page 14: ...llautomatically tum to the lowestlogicalchannelnumber Notes Toensureyourlelevisionis operatingat optimalenergyefiiciency select Standard Energy Save modeduringinitialactivation Standard Energy Save modeis recommended for normalhome use Energy Saving Mode Thefactorydefaultsetlingof thistelevision meetsENERGYSAVINGrequirements Changing picturesettings mayincreaseenergyconsumption possiblybeyondthe l...


Page 16: ...BEFORE OPERATION VIDEO1 2 3 andPCMODEMENU Note VGA Set only for PC ll lode t6 ...



Page 19: ... and S buttonson RemoteControl PressCH buttonsto select DTV ATVchannel 1 PressCH buttonto select next channel 2 PressCH buttonto selectpreviouschannel PressPiaP buttonon the RemoteControlto switchbetweencurrentchanneland previouschannel Forexample if you are watchingchannel 4 but you were watchingchannel 2 previously Pressthe P P button Channel2 will appearimmediately 1 Stereo Mono Dual1 and Dual2...

Page 20: ...dto limitmaximumbrightnessfor energy saving Press ENERGYSAVEbuftonon the RemoteControlto set ihis functionas OFF EnergySave 1 Energy Save2 and EnergySave3 Note The LightSensor and ManualBacklightSetting functionare invalidated whenthe EnergySaveMode function is turned on Press STILLbuftonon the RemoteControlto switchthe still functionOn Off The stillfunctionfreezesthe main Dicture Note Whenthe sti...

Page 21: ...des of the screen by zooming in and selectingthe image without distortion r Use this settingto view a true 4 3 broadcast You may see bars at the top and bottomofthe screen When receivinga 4 3 format signal this settingwill enlarge the image to fit the screen by stretchingthe imageverticallyand horizontally but maintaining optimalproportions at the centerof the image il When watching letterboxforma...

Page 22: ... brightscenes Audio Emphasizesbackgroundcheeringof the crowdand ball sounds Picture Reduceswhite saturationof snow and emphasizesprimarycolors of ski gear by slightlyreducingcontrastand brightnessand slightly increasingthe color gain Picture Emphasizes blueskyand blueoceanwithhighcontrastagainst deeoblack Audio Emohasizes watersounds l Picture Emphasazes red and skin colorsand clariflesfiguresin d...

Page 23: ...tweenDVRadio ChannelListin the DTVsource I PressFAV LIST buttononthe RemoleControlto displaythe Favorite Group11213 Thisfunctionsupports threegroupsof DVATV programs to enable rapidselection fromthe FavoriteChannelLisl Presst or V buttonto selectthe programyouwantto watch J PressOK buttonlo confirmthe program Note PressMENUbuttonto retumto the OSD menu PresslD buttonto switchthe FavoriteChannelLis...

Page 24: Group1 2 and3 Press TXT TV buttonon the RemoteControlto selectTeletext Pressinga secondtime will display TV mode W TEXT mode MIX mode TV AV mode AV TEXT mods MIX mode AV Note TEXTmode TEXTscreenis displayed MIXmode TV AV broadcast image screenandcontents of TEXT superimposed aredisplayedsimultaneously CANCELmode TEXT MIXmode is suspended temporarily and broadcast imageis displayed However butto...

Page 25: ...buttonfunctionsarethe sameas in SUBTITLE mode Whenthe TXT TVbuttonis pressedduringthe CANCELmode the modewill besuspended andthenthe screenreturnto TEXTmode MIXMode SUBTITLE 1 When pressing the TXTCNL buttonin TEXT MIXSUBTITLE mode theW picturewillappearon the screen 2 lf th buttonis pressedagain you will returnto the previousmode TEXT MIXSUBTITLEmode TEXTCANCEL modeis alsocanceledby TXT TV TXTIND...

Page 26: ...the instructionsbelow NormalPage Top half enlargement Bottomhalf enlargement NormalPage Note Duringtop halfenlargement or bottomhalfenlargemenl mode if a page requestis performed with 0 9 buttonsandtheTEXTINDEXbutton the pagewillreturnto normalmode lf HOLDON OFF is performed duringtop halfenlargement mode the pagewill remainin thetop halfenlargement mode HOLDsymbolwill be displayed lf HOLDON OFFis...

Page 27: ...promptis required alsocancelmode The pageof a green promptis required also cancel mode The pageof a yellowpromptis required alsocancelmode The pageof a bluepromptis required alsocancelmode This buttondoesn twork exceptfor TEXT mode 27 ...

Page 28: ...nsto adjustvalue or setting PressBACK buttonto returnto the previousmenu PressIIENU buttonor waitfor about60 seconds1oexitmenu operation Note The functions Auto ContrastEnhancement PictureMode Saturation and TINT are not supported for PC input TINT cannot be adjustedexceptin NTSC NTSC4 43 system No signalstatus defaultin PALsystem The functions Contrast Brightness Colol Sharpness and TlNT are supp...

Page 29: ...buttonto sharpenimages 50 0 50 Adjuststoneof primarycolors Thisfunctiononlyfor NTSCinpul Press buttonslo adjustcolortinl 50 0 50 Selectyour desiredcolortemp from the three options Press buttonsto select Note Defaultsettingof ColorTemp for 19 LCDTV is Cool Defauftsettingof ColorTemp for 26 32 42 LCDTV is Normal Select Normal brm and Cool color temperatureswith buttons This functionmakes imagesmove ...

Page 30: ...ghtSenso function islurned1o ON the EnergySaveMode and Backlight Setting can tbe adjusted Olherfunctionsaresetto OFF This functionis usedto set maximumbrightnessto limitpower consumptionof the LCD TV Select Off Energy Save Mode 1 EnergySave Mode 2 and EnergySave Mode 3 by pressing buttons This functionautomaticallyadjuststhe backlightof the LCD TV arcording to ambientlevels When surroundingsare da...

Page 31: ...hese functionson or off The Spatialfunctioncan removethe dot noiseon the screen Select On or Off by pressing buttonsto switchthe filteron off The Temporalfunctioncan removethe noiseof the motionimage Temporal noisereduction functionis motionadaptive Selec t On or Off by pressing buftonslo switchthefilteron ofi Select thefunctions H Pos V Pos Clock Phase and Auto Adjust bypressing l v buttons Press...

Page 32: adjust vertical position of the display to full screenfor pC input source by pressing buttons 0 20 Press buttonsto eliminateflickerfrom the pictureby adjustingthe clock bar 0 20 Press buttonsto eliminatephasingfromthe pictureby adjusting the phasebar 0 31 This functloncan automaticallyadjust the displayto full screen by pressing button 32 ...

Page 33: ...ceplwhen Selectable Sound is selectedas Use mode Press buttonson RemoteControllo selecteilher Aulo and Mono mode The Auto mode can automatically recognizestereo bilingual programsdependingon the broadcast signal PressBACK buttonto returnto the previousmenu PressMENUbuttonor wailforabout60 secondsto exitmenu operalion Note MTS is only supportedforATV input Press buttonson RemoteConlrolto selecteith...

Page 34: ...nseby pressing buttons 12 0 12 This functionadiustslevels in left and rightspeakersby pressing buttons 50 0 50 Press buttonson RemoteControlto selecl Off and On mode as desired This functionraiseslow frequencyresponse and improveslone quality Defaultof Bass Boost is set as Off Press buttonson RemoteControlto lum thisfunctionon or ofi VirtualSurroundSound VSS simulateslrue multi speaker surtound so...

Page 35: ...eChannels are supportedfoTAVDTV inout Fromthefunction MenuLanguage selectthe desiredsetting PressBACK button10returnto the previousmenu PressMENUbuftonor waitfor about60 secondsto exitmenu oDeralion ffi ffi ffiffi Select English Frangais and F modeby pressing buttons Press v buttonson the RemoteControlto select Country Region and Province Slale Dueto this modelLCD W only beingmarketedin Auslralia ...

Page 36: ...u operal on Note ManualAdjust is only supportedforATV input M Th sfunctionsupportthe channelnamequicklyto searcha channelby manualmethod Whenthe channel selecl FineTune functionwillopposilethe frequencyto channeldesired The Channel support lhe channel 0 1 C4 2 5 S2 S5 54 56 58 A7 S9 S10 6 9 9A C10 10 12 511 S44 27 31 C31 32 69 bypressing buttons ffi e Select ManualFineTune and AutoFineTune modeby ...

Page 37: ...pressingOK button The LCD TV supportsthree favoritesgroupsfor Userto quicklyselectdesiredchannel ffiY7i ffi The Sort LCN functioncan sortalltunedprograms by the numberof the channel ffi The Sort Name Up and Sort Name Down functionscan sort all turned programsby the length orderof the word string ffi The Delete functioncan deletea channelfrom the ChannelList ffi The LocUUnlock functionlocks a chann...

Page 38: ...uction of the functiontablelistis asfollows First pressthe buttonto showthe functiontable andpress V buttonsto selectrequiredsetting ThenpressOK buttonto confirmthe seledion Add Addsa newchannelto favoritesmenufor allchannelsonATV DTV Delete Directlydeletesthe selectedchannel MoveUp and MoveDown Movesthe selectchannelUp Downinchannelposition All receivablechannelsare aulomaticallv tuned in and mem...

Page 39: ...ching Note ManualSearch is onlysupported for DTVinput ffi This functionallowsrapidsearchfor a desiredchannelmanually The Erase Channels functioncan immediately eraseallATV DTV channelsinthe memory PressOK buttonlo execute Note EraseChannel issupported forATV DWinput Lip Syncfundionalityenablesthe automalicsynchronization of video and audio signals correctingfor processorlags that can force audio a...

Page 40: Auto and PCM modesby pressing buttons Auto Seleclthiswhenan amplifierequippedwithbuiltin DolbyDigitalor MPEGdecoderis connected to thisTV PCM Selectthiswhena 2chdigitalstereoamplifieris connected to thisTV vA B l t 1 ri PCM Dobly D AC3 PCM PCMdigitalaudio PCMdigitalaudio Auto PCMdigitalaudio DoblyD AC3 digitalaudio 40 ...

Page 41: PressMENUbuftonorwaitfor about60 secondsto exitmenuoperalions Afterthissettingis executedorlhe poweris swilchedoffthe TIME SETTING will relurnto the defaultvalue ffi ___ ffiffi Thetimeformatis asfollo r s Year Month Day Thetime rangeis asfollows Years 2000 2037 Hours 1 24 Hour Minute Second Months 1 12 Days 1 31 Minutes 0 59 Seconds 0 59 ffi This functioncan automaticallyturn on the LCD TV by u...

Page 42: ...s Disable ffi Thisfunctiontums offthe powe aftera setperiodof timewhenthereis no sourcesignalinput The periodof time before No SlgnalOff can be set by the user No SignalOff settingsare Disable 5 Minutes 10Minutes 15 Minutes 20 Minutes 30Minutes and 45 Minutes Note Thedefaunsettingof thisfunctionis Disable N Thefunction BannerDuration is selecteddirecllyfromthe menu Press buttonsto adjustdurationva...

Page 43: ...ou sure J PressOK buttonto startthe Resetlo default process TheTV will poweroff automatically PressOK buttonagainandtheTuningthe TV initialscreenwillappear Note TV channel list and passwordwont be reset I PressttlENUbutton thenpress buttonsto select FUNCTION I PressOK buttonand pressa Y buttonsto selec t AV Connection lhen pressOK button J eress buttonsto selectinpulsourceas required Mdeo 2 select...

Page 44: ...idancecodes AppendixforAustralianparental guidecode I PressMENUbutton thenpress buttonsto seleclthe FUNCTION I eressOK bulon andpress V buttonsto select ChannelLocK thenpressOK button J Enterpassword whenPrompted eress Muttons to seled prefenedallowablerating then pressOK buttonto save r I Press MENU button thenpress butlons toselect FUNCTIoN f Press OKbutlon andpress V buttons toselecl EPG thenpr...

Page 45: ...unction is inthe MewerPromptto Update item Thisupdatestimecount Underthis setting if lhereis no newversionthe message Nonewsoftwareversionfound willdisplayotherwise the systemwilldirectlyperformfirmwareupdateandshowupdatestatusin the OSDwindow COimOorytf rqrcton ln OFF Systemwill executea firmwareupdateafter countdown ON Will prompt user a new versionis availablebut won t executeupdat by itself Af...

Page 46: ... preventuseradding removing TV or DTVchannels lf lhe functionis setto OFF customers cansearch clear TV or DTVchannels ThisfunctiondecideswhichdisplaysourcewillappearanerAC DCPower On Sourcesareasfollow ATV TV o TV 10 DW DTV o DTV 10 Video1 Video2 Video3 HDMI HDMI2 and PC lf thisfunctionis selto OFF the displaywillfollowthe lastsourceon PowerOn Off 1 Whenthisfunctionis setto OFF the OSDwon tbe disp...

Page 47: ...dchannelsfrom0 to 99 Selectedchannelneedsto existintheTV lf the itemsaresetto OFF the channelwill returnlo showoriginal picture r Fundion returnsto the initialvalueofthe Dealermodesetting Thefunctionsupportsthe maslerbaudratelo controlthe parameters of the system lf the BaudRateis differentfromthe control the commandwon tbe execuled Be sureto disconnect the powercordfromAC outletbeforedeaninglhe L...

Page 48: ...emote Receiver and the Remote Control Make sure you are nol too far from the LCD TV when using the Remote Control Maximumoperatingrange is 16 4 5m ls direct sunlight or strong artificial light shining on the LCD TV s Infrared Remote Receiver Eliminate the light source by closing curtains pointing the light in a different direction etc Check connections between extemal eauipment and the LCD TV When...

Page 49: Dimensions IncludingStand Net Weioht IncludingStand Ooeratino Environment Specifications aresubjectto change withoutnotice TheOn ScreenMenuand figures in this manualmay differ slightly from the product ffiffi VGAIN D SUB TERMINAL Terminal D SUB15PIN Connectvideooutputterminalof LCDTV to thisterminalwithVGACable notsupplied Whenconnecting to a Macintosh computer the MACAdapter notsupplied is req...

Page 50: ...x768 60 015 47 712 85 5 NC Signalmode HorizontalFrgquency KHz Dotdock Frequency MHz F isfrFl nHire Bqgllution l t Vertical Frequenry Hz 1 576i 720 1440 x576 50 tc oJ 27 480i 720 144O x480 59 94 tc J 576P 720x576 50 3 1 25 27 4 480P 720x480 59 94 31 47 27 1080i 50 1920x1080 50 28 13 74 25 o 1080i 60 1920x1080 60 33 75 74 25 7 720Pt50 1280x720 50 37 5 t 4 lc o 720Pt60 1280x720 60 45 74 25 I 1080P 5 ...

Page 51: ...x576 6n 27 5 480P 72Ox48O 59 94 31 47 27 6 1080i 50 1920x1 080 50 28 13 74 25 1080v60 1920x 1080 OU 33 75 74 25 I 720Pt50 1280x72O 50 74 25 I 720Pt60 1280x72O 60 74 25 10 1080Pt24 1920x1 080 24 26 973 74 25 11 080P 2 1920x1 080 z3 28 125 74 25 t2 080P 3 1920x1 080 2n cJ rc 74 25 13 1080P 5 1920x1 080 50 co zc 148 5 14 1080P 6 1920x1 080 60 67 5 148 5 NOTE Vertical Frequency Standard t 1Hz HDMI1 ca...

Page 52: ...wsthatarethreadedintothe stand mounting insertson the backof yourLCDTV to secureit to a WallMounting kit NOTE Wall Mounting kit is not supplied Wall Mounting Inserts standardilledqe 200x 200mm Mounting screws measurements A 52 ...

Page 53: ...sanffYo SANYO ElectricCo Ltd Printed in China ...
