User manual
SNVR-1412P, SNVR-1812P
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Main menu
Here you can adjust various camera settings.
If you click on „Device search“, all IP devices (IP cameras) which are connected to the the
recorder, will be identified and listed.
Tick the desired device and click on „Add“ to add the device (camera). The image of this
camera will be displayed in the live view.
In the list of “Added devices”, all cameras are listed which are currently active and thus
displayed in the live view.
Click on „Delete“ to delete the selected device. Click on the pencil
symbol to edit the settings for the respective camera.
In the list of „Added devices“, the channel number and the port number might not be
identical but be different because they channels and ports are independent of each other.
In the list of „Added devices“, only those camera can be deleted which are connected to
the recorder via a switch. Cameras which are connected directly to the recorder (thus
without a switch) cannot be deleted because they are always detected by the recorder
and thus always added to the list.
Device status:
The status of the individual cameras is listed: green = connected; rot =not connected.
For each camera, the currently installed firmware version is listed.