Sanji ZX400 Instructions For Use Download Page 1

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(ZX400 & 500 ONLY)

The ZX400 and ZX500 can be temporarily overridden by 
entering the supplied 5 digit pincode override by means of 
turning the ignition switch on and off in a sequence as 
per instructions below. If the unit is in immobiliser armed 
mode (dash led solid) you can begin to enter your code. If 
the alarm is set, open the door and turn the ignition on. 
Wait for the unit to stop sounding, turn the ignition off. 
You can begin to enter your code. 



3 1 4 2 1


dash led


The optional anti key theft keypad protects the vehicle 
against theft in the event of key theft or driver mugging. 
A personal pin code has to be entered into the keypad 
before the vehicle can be driven. The unit will come default 
with code 1 1 1 1.


Reset the alarm via your remote control (unlock button), 
the alarm dash led will be flashing rapidly. Turn the 
ignition on and enter your 4 digit code, the  keypad led 

will turn on for 5 seconds, the unit will reset the 
immobiliser, the alarm dash led will turn off, the vehicle 
can now be driven. You can also enter your code before 
turning the ignition on however once you have entered 
your code you then have 5 seconds to turn the ignition on 
in order for the immobiliser to be reset so the vehicle can 
be driven.


When you press any button the unit will beep and the 
numbers will light up for 10 seconds. If a door is opened 
the keypad numbers will light up. 


If an incorrect code is entered the unit will sound a rapid 
beep to warn you that the wrong code was entered. You 
have 4 attempts to enter your correct code, after the 4th 
attempt the unit will lock up for 10 minutes. The unit will 
beep and flash the numbers for a 10 minute period to 
warn you that the keypad has locked up. During this time 
you will be unable to reset your immobiliser. 


Press button 1 and 5 simultaneously until the unit sounds 
a long beep.


  Enter your current 4 digit code, if the correct code is 

entered the unit will sound a long beep and enter change 
code mode. The keypad led will turn on solid. (If incorrect 
code is entered the unit will exit change code mode and 
revert back to normal operation). 


  Enter your new 4 digit code, after the 4th digit is 

entered the unit will sound a long beep.


  Enter your new 4 digit code again as confirmation. If 

the 1st code matches the 2nd code, the new code will be 
saved, if they don't match the new code will not be saved 
and the current code will remain.


1      2     3    4      5

If you enter an incorrect digit the unit will not flash the 
indicators and  will revert back to the first digit. If you 
enter an incorrect digit 3 times the unit will sound the 
alarm. Turn the ignition on and wait for the unit to stop 
sounding. You can now re-enter your code. 

Digit 2 [number 1]
Turn ignition key on, led will start to flash, after the 
FIRST flash, turn ignition key off, the indicators will flash 
once, you have now successfully put your second digit in.

Digit 1 [number 3] 
Turn ignition key on, led will start to flash, on the THIRD 
flash, turn ignition key off,  the indicators will flash once, 
you have now successfully put your first digit in.

Digit 3 [number 4]
Turn ignition key on, led will start to flash, after the 
FOURTH flash, turn ignition key off, the indicators will 
flash once, you have now successfully put your third digit 
Digit 4 [number 2]
Turn ignition key on, led will start to flash, after the 
SECOND flash, turn ignition key off, the indicators will 
flash once, you have now successfully put your fourth 
digit in.
Digit 5 [number 1]
Turn ignition key on, led will start to flash, after the 
FIRST flash, turn ignition key off,  the indicators will flash 
once, you have now successfully put your fifth digit in 
and have successful overridden your vehicle.


The remote led will normally be on solid when pressing 
any button. If the remote batteries are low the led on your 
remote control will flash. Replace the batteries with:
2 x CR1220 lithium batteries.
