Version: 20221219
The squeeze-off solution can potentially lead to local back-pressure conditions in the isolated
HP1 membrane module, and this can lead to further membrane defects in that module.
Permanent solution:
The affected HP1 membrane module is replaced with a new module. Stop the production
clean the Vibro-I and drain it. Disassemble the unit and exchange the affected membrane,
refer to
the section “
Assembly and disassembly of the Vibro-I
for detailed instructions.
Reassemble the unit and the permeate system. Flush the unit with 55 °C clean water without
recirculation for 30 minutes to remove the protective glycerin layer from the new module. CIP
clean the Vibro-I unit and restart the production.
Flux performance
If the clean water flux performance of the plant drops the cleaning regime may be inadequate
for the specific product and process. Consult a qualified chemicals supplier for application
specific cleaning regimes.
If the clean water flux indicates a good membrane recovery and the production flux is
dropping the likely cause is variations in the feed composition or processing conditions.
Also, a drop in the production flux performance will also happen in case one or both of the
cushions are no longer inflated. The cushions are essential for the function of the Vibro
technology and if one or both cushions are deflated the anti-fouiling effect is no longer
efficient. Membrane fouling will take place more rapidly and result wil be a drop in the flux.
Please refer to above Section B “
Inspection of the Vibro-I cushion assemblies
” for trouble
shooting of this problem.