Rev: 05 05-19
About your new CO
Sensor AVG device
Your new CO
sensor is carefully designed and tested to monitor levels of carbon dioxide (CO
in the air and used in areas where CO
could be a concern.
The device will measure and display the CO
value in ppm (parts-per-million) with digital
display indications. This data is refreshed every 3 seconds.
Your device will also monitor, record and display the average concentration of carbon dioxide
over an 8 and 24 hour period also giving you the maximum concentration recorded over 24
hours. This data is refreshed every 10 minutes.
The information contained within this guide should be referenced for typical installation and
operation only. For site specific requirements that may deviate from the information in this
guide – contact your supplier.
Carbon Dioxide Gas
Carbon dioxide (Chemical formula-CO
) is a colourless gas with a density about 60% higher
than that of dry air. It occurs naturally in earth’s atmosphere as a trace gas where the natural
concentration is about 0.04% (410ppm).
Important Warning Statements
Please take the time to thoroughly read this user’s guide which should be retained for future reference.
It is recommended that this unit be commissioned upon installation and serviced annually.
The expected lifetime of gas sensor elements is 10 years upon initial power up.
The device will display a message to indicate this time and should immediately be replaced.
Do not apply lighter gas or other aerosols to the device – this will cause extreme damage.
This device is designed to detect carbon dioxide.
It is NOT designed to detect smoke, fire or other gases and should NOT be used as such.
This device requires a continual supply of electrical power – it will not work without power.
This unit may not fully safeguard individuals with specific medical conditions.
If in doubt, consult a doctor.
Your device has been fully tested and inspected and with proper use, will provide years of reliable service.
Your product should reach you in perfect condition, if you suspect it is damaged, contact your supplier.
Information on waste disposal for consumers of electrical & electronic equipment. (EEE)
When this product has reached the end of its life it must be treated as Waste Electrical & Electronics Equipment
(WEEE). Any WEEE marked products must not be mixed with general household waste, but kept separate for
the treatment, recovery and recycling of the materials used.
Please contact your supplier or local authority for details of recycling schemes in your area.