Appendix B
Creating or Modifying Prompts
About SVM prompts
SVM speaks to callers and subscribers, through a series of System and Custom Prompts stored in the system's
memory. These prompts were recorded and implemented in such a way that the SVM would sound human
and conversational. To allow for greater customization, SVM 400 uses the following naming convention for all
prompts used on the system. Prompts are named XXXX.PMT where XXXX is a four digit, zero padded value.
Prompt numbers less than 1000 are reserved.
This guide will discuss the utilities and steps required to record those prompts you want customized, as well as
list all the system prompts already shipped with the system. We will also go over utilities installed on the sys-
tem that you can use to convert files that you may have had professionally recorded in a 32 kbs ADPCM "VOX"
format to the required "PMT" format of SVM 400.
The list of System Prompts is in a chart format based on the alphabetical order of what the prompt speaks.
The chart contains the prompt text, the block type that may use it, its category or location within that block, and
its prompt number.
The Utilities and Procedures discussed in this guide will be the "Voice Studio", System Administration - Edit
System Prompts via telephone, and BUILDPMT a VOX file conversion utility.
Voice Studio
The Voice Studio can be accessed from the System Main Menu of SVM 400's GUI. This facility
will allow you to record both the Voice Recording and the Text for Prompts. In this guide we will only be dis-
cussing Prompts. Operation of the Voice Studio is covered elsewhere in this Manual.
System Administration
Prompts can be recorded using SVM 400's Telephone System Administration. This is
accessed by dialing from a touch tone phone into the SVM 400 system, when the system answers enter # plus
three zeros, followed by the System Administration’s password. You will be prompted to press 1 for System
Prompts and then prompted to enter the Prompt Number. Since this procedure is done from a touch tone
phone you will not be able to edit the prompt text. This utility allows the system administrator the ability to
quickly make a last minute or spur of the moment change to a system prompt for holidays or emergency
weather conditions from a remote location.
Professionally Recorded Prompts
To convert VOX files recorded professionally or by using some third party
Voice or Multi-Media recording software package to SVM prompts you would use the BUILDPMT.EXE utility.
This is strictly a conversion utility and is not responsible for the quality of the recording. All prompts must be
recorded then saved as an 8Khz 32Kbs Dialogic ADPCM 'VOX' file format in order to use this utility. The
BUILDPMT utility will allow you to embed a text file along with the voice, so it can be seen as well as heard in
SVM 400.
Professionally Recorded Prompts
This section will go over the additional steps and utilities required for converting professionally recorded
prompts to a format usable on SVM.
Choosing a Recording Studio
Like many industries the recording industry undergoes changes, which helps keep them up to date with current
technologies. Today there are many software programs available that allow recording studios accustomed to
using digital technology, to save their recordings in a variety of formats compatible with today's business com-
munications and multi-media equipment.
You must keep in mind that what the engineers hear in the studio is not necessarily how it will sound being
played over a phone. The frequency loss, inherit in telephone transmission, and the combination of the digital
sampling process will alter the sound quality, and in some cases if recorded to 'Hot' it will be over modulated
and distorted, and in other cases depending on the voice talent it will sound weak and/or thin when played over
the telephone. Make sure you and/or your customer(s) choose a Studio that has had experience recording
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