Apps and features
Compare your weekly step count records with other Samsung Health users. You can set a
goal, compete with your friends, and view the challenge status.
Activate the together feature in the Samsung Health app on your mobile device to
check information on your Galaxy Watch.
This feature is not available when you use the Galaxy Watch without connecting to
a mobile device.
Tap (
Samsung Health
) on the Apps screen.
Rotate the bezel clockwise to open the together screen.
Tap the screen to view detailed information such as your or your friends’ challenges status or
your or your friends’ weekly step count ranking.
You can set the various setting options related to the exercise.
Tap (
Samsung Health
) and rotate the bezel clockwise and tap
: Enter your profile information, such as your gender, height, and weight.
Workout detection
: Set your Galaxy Watch to recognize your workout automatically.
Inactive time alerts
: Alerts you of your inactive time when you are not moving for a
period of time while wearing your Galaxy Watch.
: View information about the
Samsung Health