Settings
Separate
app
sound
You
can
choose
to
have
an
app
play
only
media
sound
on
a
Bluetooth
speaker
or
headset
separate
from
the
other
sounds
(like
notifications).
Connect
to
a
Bluetooth
device
to
make
this
option
available
in
the
Audio
device
menu.
1.
From
Settings,
tap
Sound
>
Separate
app
sound.
2.
Tap
Turn
on
now
to
enable
Separate
app
sound,
and
then
set
the
following
options:
•
App:
Choose
an
app
to
play
its
sound
on
a
separate
audio
device.
•
Audio
device:
Choose
the
audio
device
that
you
want
the
app’s
sound
to
be
played
on.