More options > Settings:
– Show Device care on Apps screen: Display the icon for Device care on the
Apps screen.
– About Device care: Display version and license information about the
Device care feature.
– Contact us: Contact Samsung support through Samsung members.
Auto optimization: Automatically restart when needed to keep it in the best
Software update:
Check for software updates.
Diagnostics: Review the status of the touch screen, sensors, charging, and
Maintenance mode:
Turn on Maintenance mode to protect your privacy
while someone else is using your device, such as when it is being repaired.
Language and input
Configure your device’s language and input settings.
Change the device language
You can add languages to your list and organize them according to preference. If an
app does not support your default language, then it will move to the next supported
language in your list.
1. From Settings, tap
General management > Language.
2. Tap
Add language, and select a language from the list.
3. Tap Set as default to change the device language.
To switch to another language on the list, tap the desired language, and then
tap Apply.
App languages
Choose which language each app uses by default.
1. From Settings, tap
General management > App languages.
2. Tap an app to change the default language.