Chapter 4 Inspect the Installation
5G NR HRU Installation Manual v1.0
Copyright © 2018, All Rights Reserved.
On-site Inspection and Inspection Checklist
The on-site inspection is to perform inspection visually or using instruments for
each specification, standard, and installation status, based on the inspection
checklist at the site where the system is installed.
The inspector must record the results onto the inspection checklist during or after
field inspection.
Sharing Inspection Results and Taking Corrective Actions
The inspector must share the inspection results, inspection checklist and corrective
actions, with an installation operator. The installation operator must take the
corrective actions, if necessary, after reviewing the requirements.
Checking the Results of Corrective Actions
The inspector must check if the corrective actions are properly taken. If they are
not sufficient, the inspector must ask the installation operator to take the corrective
actions again.
Sharing the Results of Corrective Actions and Preparing Preventive Plan
After the corrective actions are all completed, the inspector must share the results
with the installation operator and relevant departments. The inspector must prepare
a preventive plan to avoid the reoccurrence of the similar problems.
Construction Situation Checklist
The table below outlines the checklist to inspect the installation of the HRU and
other devices.
Table 31.
Construction Situation Checklist
Check Items
Appearance of equipment
and mechanical parts
Equipment damage such as dent,
scratch, and crack
Placement of equipment
and mechanical parts
Maintenance and horizontal/vertical
Leveling condition of
equipment and
mechanical parts
Horizontal/vertical status
Validity of status and
specifications of fastening
bolt, nut, and washer
Checking fasteners omission
Compliance with assembly order of
Compliance with fastening torque value
Insulation status
Checking electrical contact between
insulators (insulation resistance tester)
Installation of ground bar
Checking the separation of