EB 8389-1S EN
Binary input
Binary input
TROVIS SAFE 3730-6xxxxx3x00x0x00
The positioner has an optional binary input
to activate various functions:
[Transmit switching state]
The switching state of the binary input is
Activate local write protection
After the first initialization, a local write
protection can be activated. While the
binary input is active, no settings can be
changed at the positioner. The positioner
cannot be restarted. Enabling configura
tion over Code 3 is not active.
Start PST
The positioner starts a single partial
stroke test. The test is performed using
the settings in Code 49 - d2 to Code 49
- d9. See
Move valve to safety set point
An on/off valve moves to the predeter-
mined safety set point when the position-
er is in automatic mode. This function is
not performed if the positioner is in the
manual mode or fail-safe position mode.
The positioner changes from the auto-
matic mode to the manual mode or vice
versa. This function is not performed if
the positioner is in the fail-safe position
Start data logger
Activation of the binary input causes the
data logger to start. See
Reset diagnostics
Active monitoring and dynamic tests are
stopped and the diagnostic data is reset
The optional binary input can only be
configured using the TROVIS-VIEW 4
software and using the DD parame-
ters. In the default setting, the switch
state is logged with a closed switch.
Defining parameters
The parameters can only be defined
in TROVIS-VIEW 4 after the 'Posi
tioner accessories identification' has
been set to 'Binary input'.
The 'Safety set point' can only be set
when the 'Type of application' is set
to 'On/off valve'.
Select 'Binary input' in 'Positioner acces
sories identification'.
Configure the binary input.
Device settings > Positioner > Options
Positioner accessories identification: Binary